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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Too Pre-occupied ...

Too Pre-occupied ...

It's been a couple days since my last post which I rarely do. I keep this pretty much like a journal of my daily feelings and events. There have been too many things on my mind and even though I'm still not sleeping, I've found it easier to read other peoples' blogs than to actually write my own.

(If I was good like Janetk, I'd write all my problems all cryptically lol! But I don't know how and I'm feeling too vulnerable to share right now)

I had a real bummer of a day yesterday where everything I touched crumbled. I was even grumpy and exhausted when my awesome man and his son came over last night (but he said I wasn't lol).

My high points of yesterday were:
1. G's son calling my sister "Aunt R"
2. My daughter hugging G's arm for a picture of her and him wearing matching shirts. He had brought her over a shirt she said she liked. He works at a screen printing shop. He brought my son one that said "Don't make me go all NINJA on you!"
3. He gave me awesome tshirts both with replicas of dog paintings. One says "Devotion" and the other says "Love is Give and Take".
4. Here's the best part though. Pauly again showed his jealousy of having G around and lets just say I had to lend him one of my shirst he just gave me while I washed his other one. So I got to sleep in a shirt that smelled just like him!

Today was better than yesterday. Although I still don't know for sure that I have a job next year, I did hear the "scoop" as to what is taking so long and it's definitely looking in my favor of having at least a part time job next year. Plus I have the college interview on Monday. BTW! I must find a new outfit to wear!

Tomorrow morning ex is going to meet his chick in KY. He's been completely leaving me alone and ignoring me for about a week now which is awesome. I knew his attention would be short lived. It was too much work for him to show me attention while we were married, why the heck would he do it now when he was getting absolutely no pay off?

Here's to NEEDING the weekend badly! All in favor? Say cheers!

posted on June 19, 2008 1:41 PM ()


comment by donnamarie on June 24, 2008 12:48 PM ()
comment by frogfenatic on June 22, 2008 10:26 AM ()
Cheers !!!!!!
comment by dogsalot on June 19, 2008 4:04 PM ()
glad that the ex isn't bothering you anymore, stuff like that usually is shortived
comment by ducky on June 19, 2008 2:06 PM ()
Cheers Sista... please bring on the weekend.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 19, 2008 1:47 PM ()

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