But as much as I do look forward to school breaks (mostly to sleep in), I do get stressed at the thought of all the kids home (bored, fighting etc.) during the break. I got a taste of this Friday on the snow day.
I hate how little patience I have lately and I also hate how my moods change so rapidly. I triple hate that home is often times more stressful at work (even with my wonderful love life and a man who really parents with me). I guess it just goes with the territory of being a parent, of having kids.
Sometimes it's hard going from two to four and I'm sure it's hard on the kids too. Although mostly it seems the kids really enjoy having two extras to play with and they really feel lost when one set of kids go to the other parent's house.
In general, they are all good kids. I love them. But in a way, each of them are difficult too. Kev with his ADD and general defiance. A's energy level and oddities like repeating lines from movies and youtube videos. G's daughter is difficult just for being a teen, the oldest and therefore experiencing things before the other kids and "trying to find who she is". Honestly Riss is the easiest for me to deal with (perhaps because she's the closest to a "mini me" there is. My only complaints would be that she's lazy about helping me around the house and is a slob. Occasionally she can also have that "teen attitude" too I guess.
So today was a long day that left me feeling discombobulated! I had to go to the high school in the a.m. when I usually go to the middle school, because I had a meeting. It didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped, but I still have hope that maybe this time things will change. I think the day would have been strange anyway because of having Friday off. By the time I got to the m.s. I had lost most of my prep time and therefore I was pretty unorganized most of the day (piles of papers...and I can't find a single paper I need!)
After my school got out: I had to pick up my check from A; pick Kev up from school; bring him to the tutor; go to the bank; come home to peel potatoes and get them boiling; pick Kev back up and then come home to make a meat loaf for dinner. My parents came home from Florida yesterday. They came to dinner. They will be here until the 26th. The day my parents flew home, Mom tore something in her shoulder and had to go to the ER. She has it completely immobilized and has a ton to do to get ready for Christmas of course. Even worse though...no health insurance (so another hefty hospital bill for them).
I haven't been on the computer much. I really miss having my laptop. All I have is my desktop and it's hard to blog and to relax in the living room with the whole family. I loved being able to take the laptop to bed or even just sit on the couch with it.
I definitely still have a list of last minute shopping to do next weekend after pay day, but I've got the majority done...and wrapped.
