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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Memories Make a House a Home (Part I)

Memories Make a House a Home (Part I)

A short while ago, our fellow blogger mattguru18 wrote a blog about moving and the memories he will miss in his current home. It got me thinking about the different homes I have and the memories associated with each.

"If these walls could talk..."

I thought I'd try to challenge myself with the top 10 memories from each of my homes. I'm going to list the first things that come to my mind (not necessarily the best or most important).

#1 (age 6-17)

1. Playing in the apple trees at my friend Kathleen's house
2. Going across the street to play with Kori at her grandparent's
3. Building it from a one story to a two story house while we were living there
4. Kirk Cameron and Bon Jovi posters
5. My first period (wearing my friend's white pants)
6. The pool and gazebo out back and all the fun times had there
7. The screened in porch and my grandfather's surprise visit to mow the lawn that almost ended in him catching me (with a boy makin' out and stuff)
8. My cockateil Roddy Martini who talked and whisted "Don't Worry, Be Happy"
9. My poodle Josh with 9 lives
10. My sister having 2 pacifiers (a rubbie and a suckie) The rubbie was the one she used to rub against Josh's fur to get it all soft and then rub her face with it until she fell asleep.

#2 (Ages 17-21)

1. My parents and sister moved here during my first year of college.
2. It was so "fancy" and mom didn't want us to eat or drink in our bedrooms (this only lasted a few weeks).
3. Our dog Buddy, the boston terrier who passed away in 2003 (I especially remember him out back swimming in the pool).
4. My mom opening her first business "Connie's Country Boutique"
5. Going to Newcomb (camp) on the weekends.
6. The skinny driveway and my new car (which I scraped all along the cement wall of the driveway)
7. Spraining my ankle and nobody hearing me yell because the house was so big (and well insulated)
8. The intercom system!! (Mom got this post fall lol)
9. The alarm system and forgetting to push the code (then the "alarm system" person talking to us)
10. The vacuum that plugged into the wall and used a light switch (this house had all the gadgets)

posted on Aug 5, 2008 5:43 AM ()


Hey, what a great idea for a post! I loved it! You got me thinking about my memories at each place I've lived. You've got some neat memories there, no wonder you remember each place so well.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 2, 2008 8:15 PM ()

So similar to some of my memories of child hood.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 7, 2008 9:16 AM ()
This was really fun to read.Now you have a new home to make new memories in.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 5, 2008 10:19 PM ()
Nice post. Now I'm all nostalgic.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 5, 2008 7:33 PM ()
A lot of these really got me smiling because they remind me of a lot of my own experiences.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 5, 2008 10:47 AM ()

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