#3 (age 21-22)
*I've made the executive decision that since I lived here only a short while, it only deserves a top 5! :)
1. Redecorating and wallpaper everywhere! This house was OLD. It actually had an old fashioned tub when we first moved in, but it wasn't functional. It was the smallest house ever! (only 1 br and then we made the attic into a bedroom)
2. Mice, mice everywhere!!! One whole day I sat on the porch until A came home because when I came downstairs from the attic (br), I heard a loud racket! When I looked under the kitchen sink, not only was there a mouse in the trap but there were two of his lil friends trying to get him out!
3. Finding out I was pregnant for my daughter. I could never forget this. I took 3 pregnancy tests before I believed it because it kept changing from not pg to pg after the 2 minute time was up. Turns out I had low hormone levels at first but thankfully everything turned out fine.
4. My dog Beautis peeing all over my closet full of maternity clothes! Because of it being a low closet in the attic, it was the perfect height for him to spray the entire line of clothes! (grrrrr)
5. The man we were in the process of buying the house from died and the house went into his estate. Therefore we had to buy a new home and move when I was 7 months pregnant.

#4 (ages 22 to 24.5 about)
1. Moving in the middle of Winter, pregnant.
2. From the day we moved in, we were cursed with problems (especially with water). We had only a point, not a well, and we lost prime due to the horrible sand and clay all the time. It seemed to sense important days and clog up so we had no water: the day we brought Riss home from the hospital, Christmas Day, New Years Day etc...
3. The 2 huge garages and the lil house (a dream come true for A but a nightmare for me)
4. The mold that grew in the house (It was really a money pit. The people who sold it to us and the Realtor who deceived us shall be bit by karma for this deal).
5. A having all night attacks and trips to the emergency room, which eventually ended in him getting his gallbladder taken out.
6. My days spent doing daycare for 2 little one year olds while Marissa was just an infant.
7. 3 Kids in a huge stroller, every day walking down to see the horsies and the goats down the road.
8. Huge yard, ride on lawn mower, hanging out my laundry
9. The ceramic frog I was afraid of because I didn't realize it was fake. It was covered with snow for so long. We had no idea what was in the yard.
10. It was so quiet in the country at night, it made the crickets seem loud. It reminded me of camping.