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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Just Stuff

Just Stuff

I write this blog in particular more for myself than anything else. I just seem to have a lot on my mind and it's starting to weigh into my shoulders. There is a beeping noise coming from outside that is driving me bonkers. The kids are being great and yet I'm still annoyed. I've been plagued by weird dreams of demonic creatures, dogs with only half bodies and now the dreaded "back to school" dreams have started.

Yet sadly, I still don't "know" if I will be going "back to school". Since about May I've been being strung along by everyone I spoke to at the school about the politics of being re-hired and the changing of my position from part-time (which is always just year to year) to full-time (probational leading to permanent after a three year normal term of tenure). I'm still being strung along, yet I hear a strange "worry" in the voices of both my school Principal and last year's mentor as nobody can figure out what the hold up is.

Of course I believe that everything happens for a reason and that "it will all work out", but today is just one of those days when I'm bound to worry and stress. I'm sure it is very "un-helpful" that I'm out of more than one of my prescriptions and can't pick them up till around 2ish.

Every day here has been interrupted by sporadic thunder and rain which makes things harder on a stressed Momma, because the kids are inside much more (and they bring friends!!!) Kev's grounded as it is which makes it difficult but he is allowed in the yard. So Mr. Rain, go away...please....

We have all four kids this weekend. As much as I love them all, I'd be lying if I didn't say that it scares me a little. It's hard for the six of us to get out and do something due to money (root of all evil!) and the fact that we don't own a bus for our Brady bunch!

Well the day just got brighter (growl!). The park manager just called that we had a complaint about some lumber (a rail and 2 small pieces) that was left outside since our remodeling and also the skirting that came "unbuttoned" again in the back of the house! I tell ya, people really tick me off with the things that go un-noticed while I feel I'm constantly being ridden for stupid crap! You wouldn't believe the way some of these homes look and the things people let their kids do! Yet I just got a compliment 2 weeks ago on how nice corporate said my place looked and now a neighbor complaint! Jealousy maybe?

Damn, I don't feel better.

posted on Aug 8, 2008 8:46 AM ()


Those kinds of picky complaints come from people that don't have anything better to do, people who want to make a point that newbies "have to pay some dues" because they're not "family" yet, or people who are jealous because either their places aren't being done, their places don't look so good, or they think theirs suddenly won't be the best. To hell with them!
comment by donnamarie on Sept 7, 2008 7:22 PM ()
About school politics... There is a LOT of it. There are so many things going on in the background that they don't bother to tell you about. But it's worth pursuing because the benefits are good. Luck to you...
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 1:49 PM ()
Jealousy sounds about right...that and too much time on their hands.Hang in there...good things are coming.
comment by janetk on Aug 10, 2008 12:03 PM ()

Tomorrow is another day gal!
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 10, 2008 7:09 AM ()
I am so sorry that you have been feeling down. The unknown relating to your job must really be tough!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 8, 2008 2:33 PM ()
I hope yer day got brighter!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 8, 2008 12:45 PM ()
ugh! I am with you on the mood thing. I've been out of my meds since sunday, but today is payday! and I can tell I have been without them. I don't suppose the manager tells you who reported you. thats just crazy! people need to look at their own place before picking apart someone else's! I hope your day gets better and that you get some good news on school.
comment by elkhound on Aug 8, 2008 9:08 AM ()

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