I was just going through the new articles and making comments. Then something wierd happened! These new articles are not new articles! What happened! did aliens take over mybloggers??? And how do you spell wierd, is it wierd or weird? Both are highlighted as being misspelled.
Anyway last night at bedtime I had a talk with kota. I told him not to get up so early. I explained thats why he gets so tired by late afternoon, cuz he gets up so early. He slept until 10:30 which would be 11:30 daylight savings time. So I had a nice night of sleep.
This time switch really messes me up for the first week. Its like my body cannot adjust to that one hour difference. Is it psychological or physiological?
Its cold and windy. No rain, sunny. blah blah blah I hate the weather! We had 70 degrees yesterday now its 36 with a windchill of 25. nice.
Watched an interesting movie last night, Wolf Creek. I might have to watch it again. It was based on a true story. It was somewhat gory. 3 Australians get taken in by this wierd guy, he eventually kills the two girls and the guy gets away. They found no evidence of this guy or the bodies of the women. Might have to google it and see what the story is.
thats the news in my world.