Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Computing & Technology > Blogging > Terrorists in MyBloggers?

Terrorists in MyBloggers?

well my friends I have to tell you something. I angered someone today and now they might be coming to mybloggers just to terrorize me. And this person might bring reinforcements. OK, maybe what I did was a tad childish but I could not resist. this drama came from blogster. 'someone' outed one of my secret names over there so I felt the need to riciprocate. Hence the email warning me they would be over here soon. I guess to kick some butt. According to this person I have been living a secret life. Oh how I wish that were true. My life could use some excitement. So I was told to make sure I tell you all I am the reason if any drama starts up over here. I reinstalled my statcounter recently. LOL Thats always good for a chuckle. This person said I am not on blogster so I should stay off there. Well same goes here, right? Oh I forgot, double standards. Its ok to reveal my secret name but not for me to do the same.
Yes, yes, I know this is childish of me. And no one wants that drama here. Just thought I would warn you all in case it happens. Although I have a suspicion this person already had created an account here. Just something about the location struck a chord with me.
She has also contacted my friends with my vile behaviours. I guess trying to convince them I am horrible and I should not be allowed to have friends. Didn't I just talk about school related bullies. Well it applies to adults as well. I am not leaving, EVER. Even if no one talks to me anymore, I will still be here. Filling your day with kid stories, silly poems, weather reports and the like.

Peace love and happiness

posted on Mar 8, 2008 2:35 PM ()


Good grief... are people's lives that sad and pathetic that they have nothing better to do with their time than create drama online? This person needs to get a life! Well, I suppose there's always one bad apple in the bunch.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 12, 2008 9:06 AM ()
she really needs to get a life... I hope you mean it that you will never leave cuz she's not worth it. at all.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 9, 2008 4:27 PM ()
Sweetie don't you worry...We are here for you. That person you talk of..just needs to increase their meds...Remember don't give them the power...that's what they feed on. *hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Mar 9, 2008 9:20 AM ()
I don't know who you are writing about but I've got your back and apparently so do all the other mybloggersvillagers, so live, laugh and go on with the living of a wonderful life. Love ya buddy!!!!
comment by sumkindabich on Mar 9, 2008 6:56 AM ()
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and falsehood based almost not entirely on a real human being.

My name is CHI WAAAAAAH WAAAAAAH SMASHER!!!!! and I really LOVE sandwiches. I can’t help myself really it just seems when I look at a nice ham and swiss on old world style Tuscan bread that my sausage-like fingers can’t help but wrap around that mayonnaise soaked mustardy goodness and choke it all down in once disgustingly vile bite. When I eat the sandwiches I OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM them.

Sometimes I get upset that my underbearing ##### of a husband can’t initiate enough force to manage to be enough of a Godhead to keep my rather ample ass in line but alas, we can’t always get what we want. I have something that I want to confess to you Johnny, I want your ####. I know that you hate my guts and you think I am a disgusting piece of pig #### and you know what, you are probably right. I just can’t help myself, when I think about how insanely ####### good looking you are I just can’t help but fantasize about smothering you in chocolate, ranch dressing, and bacon bits and eating you alive… I mean it.

When I think about you Johnny I get short of breath, like those times when I try to venture three feet away from my desk and actually walk to the car to go and pick up more doughnuts and Chinese take-out. I know that you wouldn’t #### me with a stolen dick, even for all of the gold in Persia (However much that is) and I make the bile rise up in your throat when you try to contemplate just how many tits I have but it was just something that I had to get off my chest.

I’m sorry I have been such a lunatic cow… please forgive me Master.
comment by jtruant on Mar 8, 2008 10:54 PM ()
You know Jennifer is reading everything we are writing so she knows her presence here causing trouble will not be tolerated no matter who she brings with her. That is the most childish threat I have ever heard in the history of the internet! I am gonna bring my friends to get you. #### her and her friends. She is a creep and her whole ####### family is vreepy except her mother who I have not a bad word to say.

I said , before you outed her that I thought it was the same person using an alt, I have explained what alt's are before, there are a few uses and that she and her folks use them for is to make it look like other s support them and to attack because they are too cowardly to do so themselves. I knew before you said a word.

Hey Cha wah wah when you only use your alt to write in the same style with the same voice we figured you out and when you only use it to attack your nemesis, martin for #### you have gotten other peoples blogs removed for mind you only people you do not like we have seen that you do not mind bare penises on cross dressing men or perhaps you were just cowardly. Get over your damn self. You are a nut job.

I know your alts and your families alts.

Elk she is a damn loser and a baby if she is sending you that garbage.

What you did was defending a friend!
comment by mmmhollywould on Mar 8, 2008 10:19 PM ()
I am with Jon! Ignore is the best weapon for these fools. I know, I know easier said than done. I have never had an on-line attack so I am speaking on something I have only witnessed. Be strong you have friends here who really, really don't give a damn what anyone says!
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 8, 2008 7:03 PM ()
Well I got an email from that someone after I did the Joe post there...this was after this person posted a comment there and then I replied...the comment was deleted along with my reply and an email sent...I deleted the email and decided not to reply...I'm amazed at the email and the foolish tone of it...incredible...frick em
comment by strider333 on Mar 8, 2008 6:53 PM ()
You just keep posting, sugar. We'll keep reading.
comment by gapeach on Mar 8, 2008 6:46 PM ()
What a bunch of immature bastards! I agree with everyone else who says to just ignore them.
comment by mattguru18 on Mar 8, 2008 4:47 PM ()
Many, many of us are here because of her--she is not happy unless she is causing trouble and starting feuds and then 'hiding'--I publicly stated that I would bet anyone that she would be here under many aliases very soon.
We don't need/want her here--yes, jondude is right--completely ignore her 100% as most of us will--and if she picks on anyone who don't know her we'll back them up and tell them to not waste their energy on her.

PS I am so glad that I never say anything that would get someone mad!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 8, 2008 4:42 PM ()
we all do/say things that on second thought we wish we hadn't. Mary, you are a grand human being and we are all human. yer freinds here will still love you no matter who slanders yer name all over the place.

yer count me in the elkhound fan club pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 8, 2008 3:10 PM ()
If you must say something in anger, say it to the wind, not to the internet.
comment by jondude on Mar 8, 2008 2:46 PM ()
we are right behind you and do not fret.Like jonjude says
we have a secret weapon and we are all behind you.
Cyber terrorists!!!!!!this sounds awesome.
Feel like James Bond here.Will get them.He or she.
comment by fredo on Mar 8, 2008 2:45 PM ()
We don't need to turn MyBloggers into Blogster. Pukes like that can stay there where they can wallow in their self pity and political sewers. If they come here, ignore them. Don't comment or answer their comments. If they start to feel really lonely, they may go back to Iglooville and leave you alone. Never answer a fool's comments.
comment by jondude on Mar 8, 2008 2:45 PM ()
Ah, but we have a secret weapon here in MyBloggersville! We shall protect you, Mary! Cyber-death to cyber terrorists!

Don't pick fights.
comment by jondude on Mar 8, 2008 2:41 PM ()

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