I am a worrier, and an anxious person. So all these things that have been going on are taking their toll on my. Last night I was just so stressed. I just wanted to sit in a quiet room.
counseling went well I think. First she talked to both me and kota. Then I got kicked out. Well while I was in there, kota wouldn't talk, and was hiding behind me. So the whole time I was in the waiting room I was worrying. When the counselor came and got me she had a big smile on her face. I asked if kota talked. She said, oh yes we had a nice chat. She also has all these toys in the counseling room. She explained my insurance will cover 20 visits and then said, I don't think we will need that many. So that was a relief.
Next week I have to go to the admin office of the school for the bus hearing. Kota got written up last week and is suspended from the bus. If you get written up 7 times you are kicked off and have to go to this bus hearing. Which leads to another problem. He has a field trip tomorrow. Because he is suspended from the bus, he is not allowed to ride any school bus. But if I want to drive I can take Kota with me. They are going to the Salisbury zoo. I guess its about an hour away. I told daughter and she said since she is off tomorrow, she will go with us too.
I still do not think all these problems are Kota's fault. And I really hope that bus driver isn't at the bus hearing. She is a total ass!
So lots of stress for me, I don't handle stress well. I internalize everything and it gets to the point it starts affecting my health. Which is the point I am at now. Nothing major, just some aches and pain, fatigue, not wanting to do anything.
Also I am letting everthing irritate me. Last night I went to throw something out. The trash can was overflowing and had spilled onto the floor. Hubby was in the kitchen at the time. I ripped the bag out of the can. He said he would take care of it. I said, but why must you wait until it gets like this and I fed up! Then I shut up and went to the bedroom.
In lighter news, Kota was hysterical in karate class last night. He had everyone laughing so hard, even the parents. They were doing this warm up where they have to race and touch different cones around the room. He was running in these big circles, rather than a straight line. But his team still won! They had a good time laughing at him. And he was also laughing so hard he could hardly run.