Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Health & Fitness > Letting My Health Go

Letting My Health Go

I had to go to the doctor Tuesday. I had a backache starting on monday morning when I got out of bad. I frequently get backaches but I am usually able to just grin and bear it. This one was horrible. Monday night when I went to bed I tried to lay down in my normal position on my side. I was ripped with muscle spasms from Hell. I slowly got out of bed and told hubby I was moving downstairs to the recliner and could he help me. He gathered my blanket, book and put socks on my feet for me. The slightest movement caused searing pain. I dozed fitfully off and on until about 5 in the morning. I got Dakota ready for school. Hubby called and said he was coming back home to drive me to the doctor. My doctor is about 15 miles away and the drive there and back was worrying me.
My doc did different things to diagnose the pain. It was not tender to the touch, I did not have shooting pains down my legs. She prescribed muscle relaxers and 800mg of ibuprofen. She wants to keep an eye on it and if the back aches keep returning she will send me for xrays.
I also told her the ambien is not helping me sleep. I get to sleep but wake up frequently and still proceed through the day as a zombie. We talked about ambien CR, the controlled release formula but there is not a generic equivalent and she knows money is tight. So she prescribed a high doze anti-depressant that is frequently used for chronic insomnia. But I can't start taking them while on the muscle relaxers.
Then she reminded me I had not gone for my A1c test for diabetes. My last two blood panels were diabetic readings. She scolded me for not taking care of myself. She said I can't take care of my family if I am incapacitated with pain or god forbid not here anymore.
Stress is a big issue with most health problems and I have got a ton of stress. Not working, my stepson cussed me out on facebook and the continuing drama with both him and his wife. I was never the evil stepmom and never told them they had to call me mom. After a few years both my stepchildren started calling me mom. After this latest incident on facebook, where i do not feel it is appropriate to air your dirty laundry, I sent them both an email. I told them I was done with being disrespected and treated like dirt. I asked them not to contact me at all. Yes the holidays are coming and they have a one year old little girl. My daughter in law thought I was not important enough to see the little girl I guess, because I can count on one hand how many times I have gotten to see her. I am no one's doormat and I did not raise my son to be so disrespectful. There will come a time he will need my help but he has totally burned that bridge back to me. It's time for me to focus on getting healthy and getting rid of the toxic issues in my life.

posted on Nov 10, 2011 6:47 AM ()


sorry,to hear this and yes you need to take care of yourself.Your family need you.
there is a lot of help out there for people who have this problems.Seek it and you will get the help that you need.Your too young going through with this.As far is where is God.
Well I think that he spend the weekend with us.
comment by fredo on Dec 8, 2011 1:17 PM ()
Mary, I tend to put family first but by some miracle I stay healthy. Try a
vitamin program that your Dr. endorses. I did not take them with me on the
cruise and I got a cold and low energy so I know they really help. B's and
C's and folic acid as well as a multi vitamen regimine. Like Joan, I had to
realize that my mother was a major stressor and after I had a talk with myself, I realized her love for me was very limited and conditional so I
detached emotionally. You will have to do this from those who cause stress.
comment by elderjane on Nov 27, 2011 4:02 AM ()
I will have to talk to my doctor about the vitamin regimen. I seem to get every cold and sickness during winter. At one time I was taking prenatal vitamins,not because I was pregnant, but my doc said they have all the good stuff in them!
It is hard to detach from someone in the family,especially when you have raised that person all their life. I told my stepson and his wife I want no contact whatsoever from them. Christmas is coming up and I will be hosting the Christmas Eve dinner at my house this year. All of hubby's family comes but we will not invite his son unless he apologizes to me.
reply by elkhound on Nov 27, 2011 5:52 AM ()
Hang in there, mary! I'll pray for you.
comment by teacherwoman on Nov 23, 2011 12:13 PM ()
I appreciate that deb!
reply by elkhound on Nov 23, 2011 12:22 PM ()
Mary. One thing I learned when I had cancer was that I had to eliminate the stress in my life and the people who were causing it. I started putting myself first; that's what you need to do. Anyone who is causing you worry and stress just has to be eliminated from your life, even though it hurts. I actually had to distance myself from my mother because she was a major stresser in my life.
comment by redimpala on Nov 10, 2011 4:39 PM ()
I have had these issues with my stepson for a while now. I finally had to tell him that I am done. I can't continue to be hurt by him over and over. It does hurt to have to cut him out of my life. But as you say, I can't shoulder all of this stress. thanks for the advice! It is time I took care of myself and let others fend for themselves.
reply by elkhound on Nov 11, 2011 5:31 AM ()
Muscle relaxers and prescription strength Ibuprofen did wonders for my frozen shoulder. I hope you're feeling better soon.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 10, 2011 11:55 AM ()
I was able to move around today, loaded the dishwasher 3 times because apparently men can't load a dishwasher. trying not to overdo things so I don't hurt my back even worse. the muscle relaxers are great!
reply by elkhound on Nov 10, 2011 1:55 PM ()
Dakota needs a healthy mom--you husband wants a healthy wife--stop being selfish! Seriously start taking care of yourself TODAY!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 10, 2011 7:37 AM ()
yes sir!!! I have to be around to see the amazing man dakota will become! And my stepdaughter is getting married in 2013 and I will be expecting some grandchildren to spoil.
reply by elkhound on Nov 10, 2011 11:03 AM ()
Geez! I didn't know all that was going on. Poor dear. I can see why you are stressed. And YES please do take care of you.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 10, 2011 6:54 AM ()
I always put myself on the back burner and tend to everyone else. and now things are just piling up with me. the doc said to cut out pasta, white bread. I said, oh just my favorite foods!
reply by elkhound on Nov 10, 2011 7:03 AM ()

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