Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Health & Fitness > Giving Rofl a Whole New Meaning

Giving Rofl a Whole New Meaning

Class last night was much better. My mind was back in focus and I was once again striving for improvement.
Our warm-up last night did not consist of jogging around the dojang. Oh no, that would have been too simple. We had an obstacle course to run and one part of it we had to do a roll on a mat. Oh my dear blog friends, it was hilarious! After my first run through I was laughing. Master R asked me, whats so funny miss Mary? I told him I was so not doing the roll the right way. He explained how you lead with one shoulder to prevent injury. I said OK, I kind of did a barrel roll. We both  laughed. My next time through I was being cheered on by Master R and Mr. John. I believe I laughed the whole way through the course. But my team won the competition so I must not have been that bad.
After class I talked to Master R about my sparring moves and defense moves. I told him I really need help in those two areas as far as testing is concerned. He gave me some pointers last night and said we would work on it some in tonight's class. I get off at 5 tonight so I will have to rush home and change, get Kota and go to class.
Kota starts riding the bus home today to be watched by nanny stormy. He is really excited about it and has really bonded with Stormy. He even called her his sister the other day, which is the biggest compliment he can give someone.
In our class the ideal they stress the most is respect. And if you are caught being disrespectful be prepared to do many push-ups. Well we were standing in line to do our obstacle course and Kota yelled over to fix my belt. It was starting to come untied. One of the other kids there, who is loud and obnoxious started pointing at me and laughing. I simply told her not to laugh at me. I did not realize that Mr. John was standing right behind me and had seen the whole thing. He pulled her out of line and gave her a talk about respect, and had her do push-ups.

I have noticed one thing about Mr John lately. Since we have become good friends, he is sometimes more pushy with me. I believe it is because people have seen us become friends and how we pick on each other so he does not want to be accused of favoritism. So I just go along and try to do my best as he pushes me beyond my boundaries. It is funny that people have to get so weird about friendships there. There are some cliques there between the moms who bring their kids. I noticed two talking about me last night. It didn't bother me, because I thought to myself, at least I am out here on the mats working hard. Sometimes I am the only adult in that class. But I receive nothing but encouragement from the high belts. They help me a lot with any questions I have and show me where I can make improvements. People are always going to talk about someone. In the past this episode would have crushed my spirit. Now I just ignore it and go on my way. I am improving myself mentally and physically. I am only a yellow belt so of course I am not going to be as good as the higher belts. I am learning, isn't that what life is about? Continually learning and striving? That's my philosophy anyway.

posted on Nov 19, 2008 5:41 AM ()


That *is* what life is about , Mary. F*ck the rest of them.
comment by janetk on Nov 20, 2008 7:04 AM ()
I would have liked to see that roll. I'm proud of you Mary... you are doing great.
comment by anniel on Nov 19, 2008 2:11 PM ()
Some people just have to talk bad about others to make themselves look better or feel better. Others show complete respect when they disagree with someone or something and that is the kind of people to have in your corner!
comment by busymichmom on Nov 19, 2008 10:35 AM ()
Hooray for you.Good girl.Still like the short hair better.
comment by fredo on Nov 19, 2008 9:39 AM ()
Class sounded great. It sounds like it is a perfect fit for you guys.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 19, 2008 9:32 AM ()
People who talk about you are either jealous, envious or admire you and all are good things--besides, don't worry, your 'friend' will 'call them out'as she claims she calls me outAlways good for a laugh!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 19, 2008 7:34 AM ()
Good for you! It would have bothered me to hear people talking about me as well - so I am proud of you for letting it go! That class seriously sounds hard. I am glad you are sticking with it!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 19, 2008 6:27 AM ()
Mary, you're really doing great. That is wonderful! What would possibly be the reason that two of the Mom's are talking about you? And they were talking bad about you?? Poor things... they've got nothing else going on in their lives?? You handled it well. Keep up the encouraging work. You are obviously reaping the benefits.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 19, 2008 6:20 AM ()

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