I have to call the school today, seems kota is being bullied on the bus. Its basically name calling but still, something I will not stand for. The school district here even has a policy about bullying. So I will contact them today and see where we go from here. It started last week and kota just ignored it, which is what I have told him to do. Yesterday it was much worse and he was quite upset. So I drove him today and will pick him up also. Until I can find out what can be done. What makes it worse, this kid is also in his class. I hate bullies. I had my share of them all through school. Because I was quiet, didn't have the latest fashions, all that stupidness. Hubby said he will let me handle it for now but if nothing is done, he will step in. lol They don't want that, believe me! What makes a 6-7 yr old a bully? For God's sake I never would have thought they start that young. And why do they have to pick on the sweetest kids? Are they easy targets? I will let you know what happens with this situation.
Its already warm here and going to get warmer. But we have severe thunderstorms coming also. The stuff they had in the south yesterday is what is headed our way.
I took kota to the diner last night, hubby was working late. One of our favorite waitresses is leaving. She had a birthday card for kota and money. She also wrote her phone number in the card. She said when we come to the diner we have to call her to come with us. She was almost in tears when kota gave her a hug. She is a sweet girl and kota just loves her! She was teasing me saying, kota has his first girls phone number. I rolled my eyes and said I am sure its the first of many. lol
Daughter has the flu that is going around, that nasty stomach one. And no one would cover for her at work. So I had to take her some pepto bismal. Poor thing! I hope she has off today and can just rest.
Time to get back to cleaning.