Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Education > K through 12 > Bullying Issues

Bullying Issues

I have to call the school today, seems kota is being bullied on the bus. Its basically name calling but still, something I will not stand for. The school district here even has a policy about bullying. So I will contact them today and see where we go from here. It started last week and kota just ignored it, which is what I have told him to do. Yesterday it was much worse and he was quite upset. So I drove him today and will pick him up also. Until I can find out what can be done. What makes it worse, this kid is also in his class. I hate bullies. I had my share of them all through school. Because I was quiet, didn't have the latest fashions, all that stupidness. Hubby said he will let me handle it for now but if nothing is done, he will step in. lol They don't want that, believe me! What makes a 6-7 yr old a bully? For God's sake I never would have thought they start that young. And why do they have to pick on the sweetest kids? Are they easy targets? I will let you know what happens with this situation.

Its already warm here and going to get warmer. But we have severe thunderstorms coming also. The stuff they had in the south yesterday is what is headed our way.

I took kota to the diner last night, hubby was working late. One of our favorite waitresses is leaving. She had a birthday card for kota and money. She also wrote her phone number in the card. She said when we come to the diner we have to call her to come with us. She was almost in tears when kota gave her a hug. She is a sweet girl and kota just loves her! She was teasing me saying, kota has his first girls phone number. I rolled my eyes and said I am sure its the first of many. lol

Daughter has the flu that is going around, that nasty stomach one. And no one would cover for her at work. So I had to take her some pepto bismal. Poor thing! I hope she has off today and can just rest.

Time to get back to cleaning.

posted on Mar 4, 2008 6:03 AM ()


Tell Kota if the bullies get close enough - to poke them in the eyes. You can't get sued if no one saw it What does the driver say? Does he have a story? If he's blind to it all, give him the Lynnie Glare then shake him a bit and tell him you'll sue him for negligence if he don't keep Kota safe from harm
comment by lynnie on Mar 5, 2008 4:55 PM ()
thats awful! bullies need to be put in their place and their parents need to be teaching them better !
comment by subversive on Mar 5, 2008 3:48 PM ()
I spent the majority of my Middle School years being bullied by a group of girls that for some unknown reason were bound and determined to make my life hell!!! It is a hard thing for a child to have to deal with. It had a long last effect on me, to this day I am quiet in public and try not to stand out in any way. Good luck to you and your son!
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 5, 2008 5:59 AM ()
unfortunately, bullies start out very young. It's so sad! My kids have also been bullied throughout school. I would definitely take it up with the school and have it stopped. Kota must have loved getting the gift from the waitress.
comment by hopefields on Mar 4, 2008 8:56 PM ()
I have zero tolerance for bullies. Our boys were taught Taikwando to have that self-defense. When one kid tried to bully cop son when he was in 7th grade, cop son defended himself and even though he almost got suspended, we pleaded his cause and got him back. The other kid had to do 10 days. Have you ever thought of self-defense for Kota? Younger son was 5 when he started doing this. Now he's a brown belt. It's not a bad thing for them and it teaches them not to fight, but also that you defend yourself. Bless his heart. I'm sorry this is happening to him.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 4, 2008 3:27 PM ()
one wonders what kind of home this child is growing up in that she feels she has to taunt someone like this. I was one of two or three Catholic kids in a school full of Protestants and it was not fun. But I gave as good as I got because I was ten times smarter than my tormenters. Like it or not, the world is full of a--holes who started out as child a--holes.

yer give 'kota a hug from Auntie Bugg pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 4, 2008 1:49 PM ()
Like anything else in life kids learn from their parents mostly by observing--are the fathers bullies? Mothers? Does an older sibling bully a kid and get away with it? A bully usually picks on someone they know or seem to think is weaker--they usually run with other bullies.
It could be that she observes her father bullying her mother (or vica-versa) and is just imitating the parent.
Let us know what happens at school and if they handle it and how.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 4, 2008 1:11 PM ()
well,that is too bad to hear this and no need of it.
Keep an eye on the flu there on daughter.
comment by fredo on Mar 4, 2008 12:40 PM ()
Just 19 years ago when DD#2 was only seven years old she was punched in the mouth and chipped a tooth by a bully in her class. Although the teacher witnessed the incident, the school never even phoned me.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 4, 2008 10:44 AM ()
I know how Kota feels when it come to bullies - I had a tough time at school - Hopefully won't last as long for your son as it did for me. Looking at my bullies now, well let's just put it this way being a bully most definately hasn't helped them in life!
comment by jensgems on Mar 4, 2008 6:56 AM ()
bullies are the worst! I hope it comes to an end naturally but it probably won't...
And wow your daughter sure has some work ethic! I wouldn't have gone in if I was feeling that crappy...
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 4, 2008 6:44 AM ()
Sad thing Mary, bully kids grow up to be bully adults! I'd nip it with those kids and ask the bus driver what her/his input. Let the bus driver know you value their suggestions. Those folks usually talked down to by parents.... bet the driver can help with it if you ask.
comment by cindy on Mar 4, 2008 6:36 AM ()
6-7, that is starting young. But kids today seem "more mature" I think then they did when I was that age. Bullying is a function of interesting home dynamics usually...

Sorry about the flu with your daughter. I am hoping I missed it, traveling back and forth between here and kentucky this week.
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 4, 2008 6:13 AM ()

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