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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Retirement > Words from the Wise

Words from the Wise

Fredo and Mike just emailed that age is mind over matter,
it doesn't matter if you don't mind.

I find that I mind quite a lot. I miss the physical strength, stamina and resilience that I used to have as
well as the loss of short term takes me forever to recall names that aren't very important to me.
My friends and I just supply them for each other as we

I regret that Ted and I didn't travel more while he was
able to get around without a wheel chair. We are pretty
much limited to senior bus trips and though they are fun,
we miss cruises and camping and road trips.

My daughter and I laugh about being superficial but we
would be lying if we didn't admit that we miss our
youthful faces and bodies.

My words of wisdom along with Fredo's are just this.
We don't get a lot of "do overs" in life so seize the
day, even if it doesn't seem practical. Wring all the
joy that you can out of every day. If your dream is a
villa in Spain, go for it while you can. Be passionate
about something. Laugh a lot, almost everything has a
funny side. For instance, the Republican candidates.

posted on Feb 4, 2016 5:29 AM ()


You've stayed young because you've got so many interests and know how to have a good time no matter what else is going on.
comment by troutbend on Feb 5, 2016 6:05 PM ()
This bit about seeming shallow if you care about looks is silly. I'll write about it because I have accumulated a lifetime of why it matters.
comment by tealstar on Feb 4, 2016 6:11 PM ()
I have to admit that I care a lot about being attractive even now.
When you put your best face forward, you gain confidence and poise.
reply by elderjane on Feb 5, 2016 3:06 AM ()
So true there Jeri.Thanks for the post there
comment by fredo on Feb 4, 2016 2:01 PM ()
I do mind so it does matter!
reply by elderjane on Feb 4, 2016 2:31 PM ()
I see my wrinkles and then I have a million things to do so I forget for awhile... So maybe short term memory loss isn't so ad in my case?
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 4, 2016 6:50 AM ()
You don't have time to even think about wrinkles with your kidlets
and dogs. Just slather on the sunscreen and night cream and you
can keep your skin looking nice.
reply by elderjane on Feb 4, 2016 2:33 PM ()
I do as much with every day as circumstances permit. The plan for today is to install a new kitchen sink. It comes in a DIY kit these days. My concern isn't wether or not I have the skill, it's will I be able to crawl into the cabinet to make the plumbing connections. But I always get things done even tho it takes longer. Talk more when you get back from your cruise.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 4, 2016 6:18 AM ()
I have faith in your skill since you seem to be able to do almost
everything including having a fabulous garden. My plumber weighs a lot
and he lays down on his back and works with his hands over his head. It
looks hard and he weighs about 450 lbs.
reply by elderjane on Feb 4, 2016 2:36 PM ()

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