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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > You Win a Lose a Few

You Win a Lose a Few

The major estate sale guru here reduces prices 25 percent on
the last hour of his Saturday sale. Everything is half
price on Sunday and the last hour he takes 75 percent off.
He had a sale going on six blocks from me Saturday. It was
an extremely good one because the owner was wealthy. I go
the first day and pick out what I want, place a bid a few
dollars over half price and wait. I placed a bid on an
empire bench and they didn't call so I assumed I had lost it,
so I also wanted the white marble coffee table and Ted's
philosophy is bid high and shut everyone else out. Mine is
the aforementioned just over half price. I knew I had to get
there early so I went at l2 to stand in line for opening at
one. There was one woman already there and two more coming.
The closets were stuffed with designer clothes and there must
have been 250 pairs of shoes. By opening there were l00
people in line, cars parked every which way. They were late
calling me and telling me that I had the bench so I immediately bought the coffee table and went to excavate the

Suffice it to say that I had acquired a Lily Rubin for four
dollars and an Adolfo for two dollars and a white watered
silk dress for 2.00. The tags were still on the clothes.
I got a number of blouses also.

It was an exhausting afternoon. I stood helplessly holding
the marble top to the coffee table and some big strong guy
carried it to the car for me. I was immensely grateful
and Max and his son in law carried it into the house for

Part of the big fun was watching the oriental girls with
tiny feet trying on furs and shoes. One couldn't bring
herself to take her fur coat off and was wearing it in the
85 degree heat.

I hope the girl that was trying to buy a bookshelf found
it...There was a glass one still in the living room. I pointed her to it. She was third in line and deserved it.

I made one foolish purchase. I bought a full length leather
coat with enormous shoulder pads and am thinking I might
have it redone but it is so 80's although it is very good
quality black leather. Oh well, I only blew four dollars
on it and it would be perfect for a power outage.

Now, I am wondering why I am sore all over. Two dogs
accompanied me on my walk and I hope they went back home
because the dog catcher is vigilant. One was a young
German Shepard and the other a little black yip yip dog of
dubious parentage.

That was my big weekend fun and I met a lot of different
people and was fascinated with some of the things they
were hoping to find. A lot of them go in order to resell
on ebay. The house was wonderfully laid out, entry between
the large living room and dining room, kitchen, butlers
pantry, study , family room and wonderfully big sun room.
and four bedrooms. I wish it had been available when we
were looking.

posted on Oct 17, 2011 3:46 AM ()


Your yip-yip dog of "dubious parentage" made me laugh. You found some great buys!
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 25, 2011 4:25 PM ()
We have nothing like that here. I don't like going to garage sales alone and DH won't go at all. I wonder how many good buys I've missed out on.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 17, 2011 12:32 PM ()
Seldom do we have one that good here. I guess the heirs didn't want any of
the sterling silver and I wasn't interested in the polishing that goes with
it or the ironing that goes with the tablecloths. It went dirt cheap but
I was very pleased with what I got. I adored the house. Men as a rule aren't good at waiting.
reply by elderjane on Oct 18, 2011 4:56 AM ()
Get a fedora to wear with the leather coat and you can slink around the neighborhood in it like a spy.
comment by troutbend on Oct 17, 2011 9:46 AM ()
There is a tailor shop not too far from me and I may have it cut to a more
reasonable length and see what they can do about the shoulder pads. It hits
my ankles. I like that idea better than being a private eye.
reply by elderjane on Oct 18, 2011 5:01 AM ()
A while back, Ed and I went to a sale at a huge estate in Fort Myers. We learned the owners were going to tear the house down (it was fabulous just as it was) and build a more up to date one, so they were selling everything so they could refurnish anew. Some people have too much money. Sounds like you had a great time.
comment by tealstar on Oct 17, 2011 6:07 AM ()
You would have adored the clothes. Many still had the tags still on them.I
loved the house too. I can't imagine tearing something down that is still
beautiful but there are people drunk on excess while others starve and that
is why the mobs are crying out for change.
reply by elderjane on Oct 18, 2011 5:08 AM ()
I'd say that's pretty cheap entertainment. Plus, you came away with usable items! If you go to a movie, you come away with nothing. Kudos!
comment by solitaire on Oct 17, 2011 5:23 AM ()
It was fun. I owe a big thank you to the man who grabbed that heavy marble
top and carried it to the car for me.
reply by elderjane on Oct 18, 2011 5:10 AM ()
You have more stamina than I but glad you got the things you wanted.
comment by redimpala on Oct 17, 2011 4:58 AM ()
I was worn out by the time it was all over but I had fun and got some
beautiful after five clothes for the cruise. They were even in my colors,
black, white and blue.
reply by elderjane on Oct 18, 2011 5:12 AM ()

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