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Southwestern Woman

Education > Parent Involvement > Update from Tornado Land

Update from Tornado Land

Oklahoma is always on edge in the spring but we listen to
the updates and try to take it in stride. We are due
north of Tinker Air Base so don't worry about us unless
the hysterical weather men indicate that is the direction
of the storm. National news is misleading.

This has been a busy, busy time for us. Two of my grand
children are graduating, there are a lot of activities for
a devoted grandmother to attend. We had two fabulous
band concerts and I will go to a band banquet Friday night.

I am hosting a brunch after Adrienne's graduation and
hopefully Linda and family will be able to come to that.
It is going to take a lot planning but will be mostly finger foods, cinnamon rolls and croissants for ham

Mother's Day was a hard holiday for me. Bobby was one
of the best parts of my life and I miss him dreadfully.

My youngest grandaughter sustained an injury during
soccer and is on crutches. This complicates things
and the pain from the sprain is severe.

I have been gardening and my roses were gorgeous this
year due to an abundance of rain. The plants that I
put out, mostly annuals, are blooming and I am pleased
with them. I have three tomato plants that are doing
well and two that look like they will bite the dust.

My weight loss has been going well and the Atkins
diet is a lot better now that one can have 20 carbs.
I usually spend l4 of them on an orange for breakfast.
I can get into my clothes now and have lost a total of
13 pounds.

posted on May 12, 2016 4:12 AM ()


It's still practically winter here, not even considering tomatoes planting yet.
comment by troutbend on May 15, 2016 7:51 PM ()
Your spring is way ahead of ours here. I thought tornadoes wouldn't start up until later, but good thing you're not in their path. Congratulations on your weight loss, isn't it like getting new clothes?
comment by drmaus on May 12, 2016 5:08 PM ()
Yes, getting in to what you can no longer wear is like having a whole
new wardrobe!!
reply by elderjane on May 14, 2016 6:11 AM ()
Man... I can't fathom it, the loss you feel.
I am glad your grandchildren keep ya busy and also very happy
You are safe amidst the storms.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 12, 2016 4:35 PM ()
There will always be a big chip missing from my heart but being too
busy to think helps a lot. We are thinking of getting a new pup. I
hope to find a Yorkie rescue about three years old. Ted and I are
good dog parents.
reply by elderjane on May 14, 2016 6:16 AM ()
Have you lost the craving for carbs? What I'm dong seems to be working and I don't have to give too much up every other day. Whatever works....
comment by jjoohhnn on May 12, 2016 3:56 PM ()
Yes, I have about lost my craving for sweets. Fruit tastes better to
me now. I definitely had a sugar addiction. I have learned to like
salads better now. Glad you are losing.
reply by elderjane on May 14, 2016 6:18 AM ()
You're keeping busy, the best medicine. How is Bobby's family doing? Good to hear your weight loss is working.
comment by tealstar on May 12, 2016 7:19 AM ()
I am worried about Adrienne. I think she is overeating to compensate
for the loss she feels. However, I have known the four that she hangs
out with a long time and both boys are overweight and so is Adrienne.
I think they eat for recreation. Ashley is too self involved to
grieve at this point in her life. It is all about friends, clothes
and make up. I am thrilled to be able to get back into my clothes.
reply by elderjane on May 14, 2016 6:24 AM ()
comment by jondude on May 12, 2016 5:08 AM ()
Give a big Meow to the Kitties.
reply by elderjane on May 14, 2016 6:24 AM ()

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