It has been so cool today. Probably not much more than 90
degrees and I am relishing every minute of it. Ted even
thought it was pleasant enough to go and ride his bike.
I laid in a supply of snacks and diet Dr. Pepper for the
girls. It is so nice to have them back again. The Drama
Queen has calmed down a lot since last year.
I have a pork loin in the oven for pulled pork and plenty of Sweet Baby Ray's to put on it. We haven't used our grill even one time this year and that is a real shame. The
temperature hasn't been right for grilling and sitting outside.
My new Harper's Bazaar arrived yesterday and I was pleased
to see that they are promoting flat heels on boots and flat
shoes. After subjecting my feet to pointed toes and high
heels during my youth, I am not about to do it again. I
love boots for winter. Do you suppose it will ever get cold