I have been watching a Mexican family install a new roof on
Dean's house that he just sold. There are four of them. They worked yesterday from seven a. m. until dark. They are
out again today going at it full speed and will probably be finished by dark tonight. No white person and no black person will work that hard. You see them at every construction site doing the concrete work which is as back
breaking as any other labor that I know of. We need them
because they do work no one else will do.
On the other hand, they are flooding the health care system
and our schools and most of them qualify for assistance of
some kind. I don't know the answer but it seems to me an
inducement would be to waive the l,000 dollars per person
citizenship fee if they could read and write English. How is a family of six or eight or ten going to raise enough
money to attempt to become citizens.
We have ghettos here where nothing is spoken but Spanish and you feel as though you are south of the border.
We are going to have to come up with some solutions and not
the ones that Arizona is proposing. I think that our
libraries could have evening classes in English for adults.
It would have to be a volunteer based thing and perhaps
they already do.
It is most perplexing.
The signs are all in Spanish.