I seldom get on my soap box but sequestration is more than
a political football. It hurts most those who are the
homeless, the poor, the migrant workers and the children who
are in need of head start programs to catch them up to other
children who have had more advantages.
We did not see the immediate results because most of the cuts
take place over months. Head Start programs are losing
class rooms, medicare patients are being refused treatment
at cancer centers, research is suffering and we are not meeting the basic needs of many of our people.
We live in a town centered around Tinker Air Force Base.
There are a lot of deployed parents. The children and the
spouse left behind to cope need services although the Air
Force is supportive in many ways.
Low Income Housing is suffering. Section 8 housing services
have shrunk. Those left on Section 8 have to pay a greater
portion of their rent. Since 2007 there has been an increase greater than 32 percent in the number of families
with children living in shelters.
Children, our future citizens, who are living this way are
more likely to be malnourished and in poor health. This
leads to developmental delays and less productive adult lives.
I grew up with the pull yourself up by the bootstraps
mentality. It doesn't work any more.
Why are Senators and Congressmen being penny wise and pound
foolish? We deserve better.
Am yet to hear of anyone being refused cancer treatment