Believe me they are out there. I told everyone how my
sister in law feels and what she spouts and it is pure
hate for those who don't agree.
These people do not realize that if you have a family of
six and want to become a citizen that it requires a lot of study and one thousand dollars per person. Six thousand
dollars is a lot for people who are in a lower income
Obama care is wasteful? Do they not realize that we are
spending as much or more on Emergency room care. No one
can be turned down at the emergency room and they are
crowded beyond belief.
I know that I am preaching to the choir but these people
have no compassion. It is the old pull yourself up by
your bootstraps mentality and if you can't you deserve
to starve. She harks back to the thiries but FDR had
plenty of programs to keep people going like the Works
Projects programs and the program that aided the arts and
were responsible for preserving music and sculpture etc.
There are plenty of people who need assistance in order to
live halfway comfortable lives. I don't begrudge it.
Kristy thinks I have been hard on the sister in law but she
really does believe every thing the right wing is devoted