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Southwestern Woman

Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Early Rising & a Great Read

Early Rising & a Great Read

I slipped out of bed this morning and put out the dog, drank
one cup of coffee and went outside and walked a mile. It is
going to top 101 today, so walking tonight is out of the
question. It was fairly cool and pleasant. I encountered a
skunk but I ignored him and mercifully he ignored me.

I am a morning person. It was not always this way. In my
single days, I could stay up all night and sleep all morning.
It is strange the way your body adapts to your circumstances.
Most of us are having trouble sleeping now, waking up too
early or not going to sleep until the wee hours.

I finished the best book last night. It was an historical
novel set in Elizabethan times called Dark Aemelia by
Sally O'Reilly. The prose was lush and rich and the research
fascinating. She detailed it in the back of the book. I am
hooked on that time period. There was sorcery and witchcraft
and a lot of speculation about historical figures. It involved my favorite play by Shakespeare, McBeth and the
Globe theater. By all means, check it out.

posted on July 25, 2014 6:02 AM ()


This is the hottest part of summer (supposed to be, anyway), and we haven't seen 90 yet, which is fine with me. I suspected that it would be a cool summer, so I didn't put any a/cs in the the windows. Haven't had a hot streak either, so it hasn't been bad.
comment by jjoohhnn on July 26, 2014 4:25 PM ()
I used to get up at 5:30 (in retirement -- when I worked, it was 7 - 7:30) and do exercises in the living room, and have my coffee when I was finished. I don't do that now. My entire energy level has changed and I am struggling. And don't understand how to fix. And the doctor doesn't help. I walk half the distance I used to and am exhausted. And when I don't exercise I go up in weight, which I will not tolerate. I take a ton of vitamin supplements. So good to know you have all this verve.
comment by tealstar on July 26, 2014 6:39 AM ()
we watch movies till about 11.30 have a late supper and in to bed, could be l
that food but we soon go to sleep, we are not early rises.
that skunk must have been dreaming
comment by kevinshere on July 26, 2014 3:06 AM ()
My day starts early, I am up at 5:30 most mornings and in bed by ten. I love
the early morning when no one else is up and the birds are exchanging
sweet nothings.
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2014 5:56 AM ()
We thought we smelled a whiff of skunk over by the little fabric house today. It could also have been a mink.
comment by troutbend on July 25, 2014 8:21 PM ()
Our neighborhood is infested with skunks. The city provides traps but who
wants to risk eau de skunk by setting one?
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2014 5:58 AM ()
I just got the book "Sarah's Key" from my mom to read, it's about WWII and holocaust I believe... I hope I can get thru it quickly!
Glad ya got your walk in before the heat and VERY glad mr skunk left ya alone
comment by kristilyn3 on July 25, 2014 12:19 PM ()
I find it hard to read about sad things like the Holocaust. Having lived
through that era when the pictures of survivors flooded the newspapers, it
makes me very sad. My first husband was in a division that liberated a
prison camp and his stories were hard to get out of our minds.
reply by elderjane on July 26, 2014 6:03 AM ()
Love the morning! I tend to wake early, often with the pre-dawn birdsong, such a delight.

Thanks for the book recommendation. Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare play as well, so I'm intrigued.

Sending you and yours smiles and cheer!
comment by marta on July 25, 2014 6:44 AM ()
The most interesting speculation from her research is that Elizabeth gave
birth to several children, among them Essex, which was why her grief was
so excessive when she had him put to death. It was her belief that he was
a son and not a lover.
reply by elderjane on July 25, 2014 10:52 AM ()
I can't stay up past 9 during the work week! while on vacation i have been staying up late reading, but still get up early. that's what naps are for I guess!
comment by elkhound on July 25, 2014 6:09 AM ()
I am glad you had a wonderful staycation. Next time get a drink holder so
you can really enjoy your pool. Dakota will be starting back soon!
reply by elderjane on July 25, 2014 10:53 AM ()

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