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Southwestern Woman

Teens > A Disagreement with No 1 Son

A Disagreement with No 1 Son

Bobby and I have been having a debate over a case currently in the courts against a pharmacist who had previously been robbed twice. The third time, he was ready with a loaded
gun. He shot a 16 year old in the head in the course of
the encounter and went on to chase the other two suspects.
He had two women in the store at the time and has said he
felt it necessary to defend them. When he got back into the store he said the suspect was trying to get up and he shot him six more times.

I feel that he was justified in defending his store and the women who worked there. 6 shots was overkill but he was probably really stressed and the kid would have died anyway
as he had a fatal head wound. He has an excellent attorney
and will probably at least have the charge reduced from
Murder I.

Bobby tells me I am all wrong. That once he stopped the
robbery in progress he should not have shot the gun again.

How do you feel about this? His life will be ruined even if
he is not convicted because of huge legal bills and all
the expert witnesses that have been called.

I just can't feel much sympathy for people who don't want to
work and who steal from people that do. All the fast food
places around here have Now Hiring signs up and employment
is there for low level jobs. Perhaps this is a failure of
compassion for me but under the same circumstances I
would have done the same thing.

posted on Aug 3, 2010 1:30 PM ()


I'm behind that pharmacist all the way; I wish there was some way I could help him. I hope his lawyers can call it a crime of passion or something like that, as he acted in the heat of the moment. I hope he gets off.
comment by susil on Aug 7, 2010 9:26 AM ()
We are see again and again that the police feel it's necessary to over kill anyone who threatens them, so why should private citizens be held to a different standard? We aren't experts, and we don't have training like the police get for handling this kind of situation.
comment by troutbend on Aug 6, 2010 11:53 AM ()
i think that is true.
reply by elderjane on Aug 6, 2010 12:16 PM ()
To your reply, a shooting in self-defense is rarely questioned. If the shopkeeper, once the immediate danger was handled, had not executed the young man, he would not now be in the middle of a ruined life. I venture to think he might be devoutly regretting his rashness. The kid was rising from the floor, the shopkeeper had him in his sights. Did the kid still have his gun? If he didn't, the owner is toast.
comment by tealstar on Aug 5, 2010 5:50 AM ()
I hope he gets off. He had every right to defend his property and his life.
comment by gapeach on Aug 4, 2010 6:48 PM ()
I hope he gets off. As you say he reacted without thinking. He will be
punished enough with financial ruin and probable family issues.
comment by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 5:06 PM ()
6 shots is overkill, plain and simple. BUT I woulda done it too.... if I knew how to shoot a gun anyways... since in movies they always! ALWAYS! come back...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 3, 2010 9:07 PM ()
My cousin knows the family and she says that the defendant has always had emotional problems as well as being partially crippled so I imagine he was scared and on an adrenaline surge as well.
reply by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 4:56 PM ()
He's a man. He had a gun in his hand. The inevitable happened.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 3, 2010 5:23 PM ()
This was a fight or flight reaction and he chose to fight.
reply by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 4:57 PM ()
The robber, if caught alive, would go to trial and no judge or jury would suggest the death penalty for this particular crime. That is the thinking. The hysterical shop keeper, thus, became the de facto executioner. Anyway, his emotional response has already condemned him to a ruined life. Maybe that is justice, after all. (In other words, I agree with Bobby and 16 is pretty young -- this is a life, one thinks, that might have been turned around.
comment by tealstar on Aug 3, 2010 4:18 PM ()
Sixteen is young and there is a remote possibility that he could have been
turned around. However if a sixteen year old tried a home invasion I could shoot him for breaching the sanctity of my home, I think I could without remorse.
reply by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 5:00 PM ()
I'd like to be on the jury if it comes to that; he'd walk. All that textbook jabber is nice, but it's not the real world.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 3, 2010 3:44 PM ()
Me too, JJ. You have to remember that two women were in there and very frightened.
reply by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 5:03 PM ()
I suspect that by the time he finished chasing the other would-be thieves, that his adrenalin was off the charts and he was reacting rather than thinking. There is nothing logical about shooting someone six times. That is purely an emotional response. If he had previously been robbed twice, it was likely purely stress reaction and fortunately, defensible in court. A decent attorney should be able get him off without even manslaughter charges 'sricking'. I don't condone- just understand and hope this guy gets off, but like you said, defending himself in court is going to ruin him financially in any event, and the additional emotional strain has high odds of destroying his marriage and family too. I feel badly for him all around.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 3, 2010 3:00 PM ()
I goofed your reply is at the top.
reply by elderjane on Aug 4, 2010 5:07 PM ()

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