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Southwestern Woman

Education > Parent Involvement > I'm Bored

I'm Bored

This lament sets my teeth on edge. Those three horrible teenagers who were in Duncan, Oklahoma and thrill
killed a young Australian college student were "bored". What a sick antidote to boredom.

I looked at pictures of their mothers and the one father and
wondered why they had never taught these children empathy for others, productive work skills and household

I hear that lament from Ashley quite often and have the
ungrandmotherly urge to swat her every time she says it.
If she were mine I would have her cleaning bathrooms
and dusting until she learned to appreciate leisure.

We seem to have created little prince and princesses that
feel entitled to constant entertainment. It is no punishment to send children to their fully equipped rooms
for a time out. They need rules with consequences for
breaking them not overly lenient parents who allow them
to get by with misbehavior.

I marvel as I sit at the highschool waiting for Adrienne.
The girls wear short shorts, winter as well as summer and
tops cut so low as to be indecent. There are gang members
who wear a cross between a hoodie and a helmet. Let me
assure you that they look like holy hell. The thing is usually
crocheted, just use your imagination. It looks medieval.

Make no mistake, I love being around wholesome young
people. I don't like the values some of them are either
learning from peer groups or television and internet.
Parents who do not parent should be ashamed of themselves.

posted on Aug 22, 2013 9:37 AM ()


sounds about right
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 31, 2013 12:48 AM ()
yes the killing was sooo bad my heart went out to the family and yes bad parenting i dont think will ever be stamped out and its a shame nice to see u again jerri hugssssss
comment by oldroan on Aug 23, 2013 2:00 AM ()
Nice to have you back, Cath. I am adding you to my friends list here. How is the grandmothering going?
reply by elderjane on Aug 23, 2013 4:37 AM ()
Spot on Jeri bullying at school was bad here until the name and shame idea came in since then its still happens but not as bad, any at all shouldn't be tolerated.
Some children have dobbed in parents who have smacked them , parents get dragged through the court system then fined , and of course the do gooders come out with all suggestions for discipline that just make the matter worse , then more kids play on it , its at the stage where parents are afraid to discipline their child , sending to room is a waste of time
comment by kevinshere on Aug 23, 2013 12:20 AM ()
The bullying is terrible and the kids are under pressure from other kids to
conform but a strong family unit is a safe guard. I hope those children get
the maximum sentence for this terrible crime.
reply by elderjane on Aug 23, 2013 4:47 AM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 22, 2013 5:21 PM ()
There's a lot of good kids we never hear about, but the bad ones make more than their share of trouble. Remember when it was said that the hippie generation was rebelling against the values of their parents? I always hope that the younger generations will rebel against the lax upbringing they've received. Problem is, they have to be exposed to the alternative and where will they get that exposure? Not in video games, school, or movies.
comment by troutbend on Aug 22, 2013 1:40 PM ()
Your cousin, Flora is probably raising excellent children with good values.
We just saw the movie, "We're the Millers" and the teens in that movie craved a structured family life. It was hilariously funny but that truth stood out.
reply by elderjane on Aug 22, 2013 3:07 PM ()
we are in the new generation Jeri and this will continued on when we are gone.
Our generation is nearly done,do not want to sound morbid lets face it.
Nothing will changed them.The parents let them do what they want.
sickening yes,I do not have the energy to dwell on this.Let them take care of what is going on.
The world is changing and fast.Nothing here for us.
comment by fredo on Aug 22, 2013 1:27 PM ()
Fredo, I can't give up on this issue even if I won't be around to see what
happens. We need to be making good citizens out of these boys and
girls if America is to have a future.
reply by elderjane on Aug 22, 2013 3:10 PM ()
I agree on every point. It is dismaying to have these excessive behaviors prevalent in our middle class school kids. We are building a different world, not a better one.
comment by tealstar on Aug 22, 2013 9:52 AM ()
I think that if we had the right social and political climate , a lot of behavior changes would come about.
reply by elderjane on Aug 22, 2013 10:15 AM ()

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