Nic G


Nic G
Tampa, FL
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Parenting & Family > Motherhood > But Mmooooooommmmmm!

But Mmooooooommmmmm!

 Apparently everyone has a cellphone.  Yes, and everyone has Myspazz(I mean myspace) Pages. 
Oh yes I do mean everyone, and did I know that I am out of touch? 
I write about my son a lot lately simply because he provides me with most of the entertainment in my life right now.  This morning was no exception.  We are sitting in the car at quarter to 6 in the morning waiting for his bus, and he is fiddling with his MP3 player.  Which personally I think is a pretty cool thing for a 9 yr old to have....of course I am filling his sieve of a morning brain with fun things like; don't get it stolen; I don't think having that on the bus is a good idea ; (and my old standard) if you lose it I'm not buying you another one!
He rolls his eyes at me thinking I don't see because it's still dark outside.  "Mom, everyone has an ipod or one of these."  and he holds up the player like it's diseased.  (ok sure it was cheap, but seriously folks I am no where near high enough to buy a $100+ item for bus use only)  Then he went on to ask me when he could get a cell phone, and yes the same everyone has those too.  Apparently the plain one he got last year and promptly lost the charger too wasn't good enough.  It has to either be a picture phone or be a sidekick(because they txt like crazy)  Rawr that kid!  I just got my first picture phone about 6 months ago and it stinks(tried using it twice and kicked myself for buying it)
Fortunatly this is when the bus came and I was saved.  Now I love getting my son things he wants.  Last year I used some connections I had to get him a Wii for a price I could actually afford, and the year before that it was his DS. (gotta love friends that work at Nintendo)  But that's all kid stuff.  What does a nine year old boy need with a cell phone, or a myspace page  who is he going to talk too?  Am I really that out of touch that if he wants to talk to his friends he can walk the 3 blocks down the street to their homes...or (the horror the horror) use the house phone.  Yes I am apparently one of the out of touch people that still has a land line.
....Ok so I was just inches away from saying "in my day" before I stabbed myself in the eye.  I'm all better now.
Long ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I wasn't a mother I spent a lot of time on the phone.  I locked myself in my room and listened to music and watched TV.  I had a car and drove aimlessly around with my friends causing and slipping out of trouble. I expect this from my kid as well no matter how much I am dreading it.  But he's reading to be a teenager before he hits double didgets. 
Well sorry kiddo, I'm out of touch and insensitive to your needs.  I'm selfish really.  I am going to keep you a kid as long as I can.  So, for now at least, be happy with your music on the bus, cause you ain't getting a phone.  Be happy with cartoon network on your computer, cause you ain't getting a myspazz page.  You know why?  Because I am your mom and I want you to stay 9 for at least the time that this is your age.  I don't want a 17 yr old to move into my 4th grade son's room.  And most of all because I am NOT everyone's mother, I am your's.
And by the way.......if Everyone jumped off of a cliff, would you?

posted on Sept 11, 2008 8:52 AM ()


Well, gosh, this article makes me think of all the fun I'm missing not having kids!!
comment by sunlight on Sept 16, 2008 1:03 AM ()
I am in total agreement. You're a great Mom!
comment by shesaidwhat on Sept 15, 2008 11:58 AM ()
You've got such a good relationship with your kid, and you've got an absolutely WONDERFUL sense of humor (a real common touch that people ..i.e....ME can identify with.)
As for IPODS. I got one for Father's Day three years ago. I still haven't figured out how to turn it on.
Cell phones? You know, I can remember back when God was a kid, and there weren't cell phones. Telephones were used for making phone calls and sending phone calls. It took thirty seconds to hook thing up, and the only decision you had to make when buying it was what color do you want? (I think you could choose from three.) Also, back then, you didn't buy the phone. You rented it from the phone company (Of which there was only ONE!)
How times have changed! (GOD! Do I feel OLD saying that!) Mary Ellen and I got new cell phones last week. It literally took us an hour to make all of the decisions that needed to made and to get the damned things "on line."
comment by hayduke on Sept 15, 2008 10:03 AM ()
A 9 year old?who how savvy!
comment by strider333 on Sept 11, 2008 10:38 PM ()
My neighbour got her 6 year old daughter a $200+ freaking IPod! To take to school! (Okay, I admit I've just bought my 7 year old an MP3 player for Christmas, but it was $14.99).
comment by imaginaryfriend on Sept 11, 2008 8:24 PM ()
You are going to lose--but I wish you well.
comment by grumpy on Sept 11, 2008 8:05 PM ()
So many kids now-a-days (yes I know that dates me too) are spoiled little brats with no values, no respect and no drive. I am happy you are taking it slow with your son. Good luck
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 11, 2008 2:08 PM ()
I don't have a my space page...I have a trac phone but rairly use it, it stays in my purse. I don't own a MP3 player or an iPod. So as far as out of the loop goes, I guess I'm it..
comment by elfie33 on Sept 11, 2008 12:23 PM ()
I remember when I was a teenager and we got OUR OWN PHONE LINE!!!! My friends were soooo jelous. My kids now probably would say "what is a phone line?"
comment by meranda on Sept 11, 2008 9:50 AM ()
I haven't jumped on the band wagon of MP3 players and iPods yet, either.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 11, 2008 9:17 AM ()

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