Nic G


Nic G
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Entertainment > Movies > Boo! Did I Scare You?

Boo! Did I Scare You?

I had forgotten that there are naken boobs in older horror movies. Lots of them and they are all natural. No perky boob jobs in late 70's early 80's horror. I'm talking bouncing, jiggling boobs.....irregular nipples and all.

Let me rewind a bit. My son, that infamous midget named Dom, has decided that he is into horror movies. Ok, I was reading Stephen King at age 8, so this doesn't seem that strange to me except for one thing. Commercials still freak the kid out from time to time. Just last month Cartoon Network was showing commercials for a new show about Crypids (look it up if you don't know what they are) and there was one comercial where the crypid moved funny. Unnaturally, Dom insisted. Ok I can see where this is creepy. Hell the girl coming out of the TV in the Ring moved unnaturally and it flipped me out. Still if he got so spooked from a commercial that he had to climb into bed with me at 2am then what am I doing entertaining the horror movie thing. Maybe it's nostalgia on my part being such a horror movie buff, or maybe I just want him to toughen up a little bit, but I let him start with a Romero zombie flick the other day. He loved it! Got a bit nervous looking out the windows after it was over, but that was it. So I decided to start finding tamer scary movies that we could watch together.

The first one was Creepshow. He loved it and laughed his head off at a few things, got scared at a few more, but generally we had a great time. Then it was Tales from the Darkside. Steve Buscemi was in that one and boy he looked young. That was good too until the last story. Rae Dawn Chong's boobs were flying everywhere. Poor kid had to hide his head under a blanket until I could fastforward through it.

Tonight "American Werewolf in London" . Great flick!! Dead friend haunting the main charicter extolling the virtues of suicide so he doesn't eat people. Dream of Nazi Goblins slaughtering family and girlfriend. Good horror movie stuff. Small sex scene, with the manditory nipple appereance(dom hid his eyes because of the "kissing") all in all a slightly gorey, but not over the top flick. Until the second to last scene. The Porno theater that they sit in have a movie showing. So it was like, boobs(dom hide your eyes) undead decaying friend talking to unchanged werewolf(ok you can watch this)boobs(dom hide your eyes) undead decaying friend and other partially eaten victims talking to unchanged werewolf(ok you can watch this) boobs(hide eyes) guy turning into werewolf and eating people(ok watch) boobs(hide eyes) gore/munching werewolf(ok to watch)....and it comes to me. I am sitting there saying its ok to watch everything from eating people to zombies getting their heads blown off, but no nipple. Is this perspective a bit askew???

Either way, I really never realized that boobs are such an integral part of a horror movie. Why is it that I can watch a drama or comedy with nary a nipple. I can see an action movie with minimal cleavage even, but horror has so many breasts I wonder if the directors were bottle fed and feeling some sort of dificency. No matter...It's "Lost Boys" tomorrow night. I can only think of one "kissing scene". Should I let his head go uncovered for the luv as well as the gore?

posted on Sept 4, 2008 8:57 PM ()


Don't like horror movies but I love your humor!
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 11, 2008 8:11 AM ()
great post!!! I can't believe he loved Creepshow...that movie freaked me out as a kid. I still remember "WHERE's MY CAKE!!!" and the other scene where the man gets buried in the sand up to his neck and then the tide comes in.....weird....
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 5, 2008 2:11 PM ()
I LOVE your humor! You put a real lift in my day today. Thanks.
comment by hayduke on Sept 5, 2008 9:50 AM ()
I so love Creepshow!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 5, 2008 9:06 AM ()

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