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Health & Fitness > Trying to Stay in One Piece

Trying to Stay in One Piece

The pain of osteoarthritis in my hands has increased so suddenly I am sure it is related to hormonal changes. It hasn't been a big thing until now. Arthritis does not run in my family and my hands aren't swollen at all; but they hurt, giving sudden flashes of pain at the thumb joints, and somewhat around the wrist and up the forearm. While doing laundry my hand bumped against the washer, just at the wrong spot, and it was awful. I yowled.

I realized I'm already avoiding writing longhand, I can't pull apart some food package inner bags, and need two hands to hold a slightly heavy cup full of liquid. At Starbucks when I buy an IBC root beer, I ask the cashier to take the screwtop cap off for me. This is as bad as I want it to get.

So after some research I think I'd better pay a lot of attention to my diet and try to help this. I'm finding out things I didn't know, like that fatty foods, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and caffeine are all bad for arthritis.
If I am having osteoarthritic pain now, I had better follow a diet that prevents bone loss as much as possible.

So I'm going to cut out more of the fatty foods, most caffeine, and reduce the artificial sweetener (diet soda). And make sure I take the calcium supplement 2 or 3 times daily, multiple vitamin, extra B vitamins, and eat a whole lot more dark leafy green stuff which has vitamin K.

But my nighttime brandy stays...!

posted on Nov 10, 2011 9:11 AM ()


Getting older is the pits.
comment by elderjane on Dec 1, 2011 3:37 AM ()
If you are, indeed, only 51, according to your profile, you are pretty young to be suffering from arthritis. Then again, I'm 68 and have had it in my thumb joints for I don't know how long. And I feel your pain! Same here. Can barely write my name. Thanks for the tips on cutting out certain foods.
comment by solitaire on Nov 11, 2011 5:59 AM ()
My mother's arthritis started when she was in her 40's. When she went to the doctor he did nothing and said she was too young to have arthritis.
reply by nittineedles on Nov 14, 2011 9:26 AM ()
I know you don't watch TV but there's a motorcycle club show - The Sons of Anarchy - that you reminded me of. The graying lion leader of the gang worried that his arthritis would make it impossible to ride his hog. And if you can't ride, you can't be the leader of the pack....
reply by drmaus on Nov 14, 2011 7:55 AM ()
I'm actually a tiny bit older than that; I never give internet sites my exact information (unless it's an entity which has to have it). The thumbs I guess are the starting place. I know I aggravated the joints by holding books up in bed, which is kind of hard, actually.
reply by drmaus on Nov 14, 2011 7:46 AM ()
I sympathaize. Mine is in my knees. I keep putting off surgery. Had to have back surgery a few years back because of the terrible pain. Thank goodness the surgery worked.
comment by redimpala on Nov 10, 2011 4:34 PM ()
Yay, successful surgery! Pain in the back is a big pain in the neck.
reply by drmaus on Nov 14, 2011 7:57 AM ()
Hi, devloped arthritic pain in thumb joints, one became what is called a "snapping" thumb, meaning it clicked open and shut and had to be moved manually. Also pain in 3, 4, 5 fingers of right hand. Also could not open screw tops, etc. Went immediately to a hand specialist. He gave me cortisone shots at the base of all affected fingers. Had to have a second shot for the clicking thumb. Took 1 to 2 wks to get better. All fine now. He said if cortisone did not help, he'd have to operate on thumb but that it would be okay after that. I am a pianist. It was important to solve it right away before damage became permanent. Nothing wrong with eating right. I do that already. But sometimes medical intervention can do wonders. Hope it works out for you.
comment by tealstar on Nov 10, 2011 12:38 PM ()
I have an appointment but I'm a little afraid of cortisone. I have a sensitivity to it. Maybe I should stop worrying, because I'd really like to get stronger hands again.
reply by drmaus on Nov 14, 2011 7:49 AM ()
I went through that same arthritic pain for about 5 months last year. It was awful. It took about 9 months (after the pain stopped)for me to regain full strength in my right hand. I must admit it's nice to be able to chop veggies, unscrew lids from jars and knit properly again. Check the internet for exercises you can do to help prevent the unsightly nodules.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 10, 2011 11:43 AM ()
Thanks - I did check and stretching my hands very, very gently feels good, especially if I put them in a pan of hot water while doing it.
reply by drmaus on Nov 14, 2011 7:52 AM ()

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