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Politics & Legal > Thoughts


A couple of problematic thoughts:

1. Does anyone else wonder how a bombing here expresses anything of importance about Chechnyan politics? Maybe the fact that the U.S. is ignorant about the world was the point? (Unlike some others I don't see boredom, madness, or amorality as being part of the bombers' motivations.)

2. While I am for putting restrictions on gun magazine capacity, background checks, etc., I think the pro-gun citizens have recognized something that bears thinking about. And that's the huge disconnect between the average citizen and power. Just look at the army -- tanks and all -- that has gone after 2 men in Boston. The people who get swept up in the wake: There were reports & photos in the middle of the night about a man who was seized and forced to strip naked in the street, then put in a squad car, then had to get out again and be interrogated for longer, standing in the street -- all while he remained naked. He appeared all over the internet news. He was released, because they had the wrong person. But it shows how the authorities can do anything to you.

posted on Apr 19, 2013 5:50 PM ()


I have no problem with law enforcement over-reacting to innocent citizens getting their legs blown off by scumbags. The circumstances were such that they had reasonable grounds to fear the kid they were chasing had more bombs and perhaps was wired himself, which is probably why they made the one guy strip to make sure he wasn't wearing a bomb before they were able to safely determine he wasn't their suspect or an accomplice.
comment by steeve on Apr 20, 2013 5:01 PM ()
I still have to believe that life as it used to be lived was superior to our
technological age for human beings. These brothers were gifted with intelligence and athletic talent. I would like to know what they were
thinking and to have a window into their minds. I don't think they were
losers before their foul act but they certainly are now. It doesn't pay
to hate the world.
comment by elderjane on Apr 20, 2013 7:52 AM ()
I agree with Trout .. the older brother, longer in a corrupt system than the younger, started to blame everyone else for his mistakes, aided and abetted by a father who, according to accounts is negative. He said his kids were framed. Denial of one's own accountability precedes all terror acts. The older influenced the younger, who was easily led. For instance, they are living a good life here, getting a premium education and someone tells them they are miserable and should strike back and they believe him instead of examining their own circumstances. Law enforcement excesses are unfortunate -- in my opinion they are due to poor screening for abusive personalities in police recruitment, and to poor training. After 9/11 all sorts of people were put into guard positions at gateways and important buildings. In New York I was searched by a senior in the lobby of the Pan Am building. He could barely see (or stand) and he missed a scissors in my handbag. Authorities rushed in with sticky tape and baling wire to address a sophisticated problem because they were in a panic. It makes for poor solutions.
comment by tealstar on Apr 20, 2013 7:45 AM ()
You can thank the "Patriot Act" for a lot of the abuses. What's that noise in the sky?
comment by jondude on Apr 20, 2013 6:52 AM ()
Did you hear what the bombers' uncle had to say about why he thinks they did the bombing? "Because they are Losers! They hate the world." I thought that was refreshing because a lot of people would have said something along the lines of "they had a rough childhood."
comment by troutbend on Apr 19, 2013 8:48 PM ()
Yeah, the Internet is full of incompetent cop videos. They shoot peoples' dogs, tear up houses and there are no consequences.
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 19, 2013 6:56 PM ()

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