How hilarious. I tried to call my sister and the sound was so messed up that I told her I'd have to call her when I got my phone situation fixed. I've been using a 12-year-old Nokia phone, a candy bar kind that once was very good, but now it's a million years old and it can receive texts but not send them. The buttons won't choose the letter consistently. And now the sound is going. So I charged up my other Nokia 13-year-old phone and put the sim card in it, and the message that came right away from at&t was that I had to get a new phone; this one (not sure which they were talking about) would cease to work on the network in December. (Interesting; I just logged into my online account and it is already aware that I've switched phones. Good updating.)
Well, I'd been trying to avoid a smartphone, one requiring a data plan, but maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and get one. I don't really like to use phone brands I'm not familiar with, so I'm not looking at a wide range.
However it texts, takes pictures and has internet connectivity if I ever
learn how to use it. I have two, one for Ted and one for me for 30.00
a month and it is a good fit for us. I really only need the phone