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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Phone


How hilarious. I tried to call my sister and the sound was so messed up that I told her I'd have to call her when I got my phone situation fixed. I've been using a 12-year-old Nokia phone, a candy bar kind that once was very good, but now it's a million years old and it can receive texts but not send them. The buttons won't choose the letter consistently. And now the sound is going. So I charged up my other Nokia 13-year-old phone and put the sim card in it, and the message that came right away from at&t was that I had to get a new phone; this one (not sure which they were talking about) would cease to work on the network in December. (Interesting; I just logged into my online account and it is already aware that I've switched phones. Good updating.)

Well, I'd been trying to avoid a smartphone, one requiring a data plan, but maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and get one. I don't really like to use phone brands I'm not familiar with, so I'm not looking at a wide range.

posted on Mar 2, 2016 10:12 PM ()


I am still in the last century with a flip phone from consumer cellular.
However it texts, takes pictures and has internet connectivity if I ever
learn how to use it. I have two, one for Ted and one for me for 30.00
a month and it is a good fit for us. I really only need the phone
comment by elderjane on Mar 5, 2016 5:09 AM ()
That's a great deal.
reply by drmaus on Mar 10, 2016 12:52 PM ()
I have the dumbest phone ever created and texting is next to difficult although I can receive texts from most people. Go figure. Sitting in McDonalds with two buddies I can get a text from one but not from the other. I do appreciate the portability of a cell, but the rest I do without.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 3, 2016 7:13 PM ()
It's funny how just being out in rural areas changes everything too, cell-phone-wise. Even now I'm not sure a friend of mine can use anything other than Verizon.
reply by drmaus on Mar 10, 2016 12:52 PM ()
Reason 9,786 that I am glad I don't want, don't need, don't have, don't use a cellphone--a smart or dumb one!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 3, 2016 8:19 AM ()
No need to, for lots of people. Landlines are good.
reply by drmaus on Mar 10, 2016 12:46 PM ()
Ed and I use Boost and buy minutes as we go, no contract. But Ed uses his minutes up quickly as he uses it for his guardian duties, and he would like something cheaper. I would love to have a phone that does stuff if I thought I'd learn how and retain the information. My friends are constantly touch flipping their phones to show me photos and I get e mails that say, "Sent from my iPhone" and I am envious.
comment by tealstar on Mar 3, 2016 7:04 AM ()
Some of them are so hard to learn how to use! I had a blackberry for a short while, but I couldn't use it well and sold it.
reply by drmaus on Mar 3, 2016 12:50 PM ()
I use Tracfone, and had a flip phone for several years that I was perfectly happy with since I don't use it at all and like to pretend it would be useful while traveling. Never mind that the couple of times I was traveling and truly needed it, it didn't receive a signal (in major cities like Wash DC). Every month on a certain day it had to be in a location to receive the downloaded minutes or we'd have to spend at least an hour talking to the help desk in India. This required taking it on top of the mountain or leaving it at a friend's house in town. During one of those babysitting deals, my friend Diane's daughter threw it away. So Diane gave me some money and I got an Android Smart Phone. Now, I don't have the minutes downloading problem, but it still doesn't work when I travel, something about 3G/4G etc.
comment by troutbend on Mar 3, 2016 5:50 AM ()
So that's how they offer lower prices, they have weird things like having to talk to India at set times. I'm realizing too I must stay with a major carrier for business purposes, the connectivity. I am hoping I can talk them into some price break or other because they know I'm out of contract and have been for some time.
reply by drmaus on Mar 3, 2016 12:48 PM ()
They advertise one on TV that is 49.00 a month. Check it out. SmartChoice or something like that...
comment by hobbie on Mar 3, 2016 5:43 AM ()
Interesting, I never heard of them but they appear bigger than I expected. That is a little less than my plan right now, which is fairly reasonable. I found a basic phone I can get for $50 and not have to pay more per month. Might go for that.
reply by drmaus on Mar 3, 2016 12:42 PM ()

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