My 11 or 12-year-old starling, whose wings are ragged even after clipping, whose talons are turned slightly wrong ways (due to staying on flat ground too much) has been complaining about old age a lot. He shrieks when he trips over his own feet, or if his toes hurt, I guess. Sometimes it's because "I've fallen and can't get up!" -- which he yells a little early, before actually trying to get up.
He knows I come running when he shrieks, so I think it's for attention too. He goes quiet when I talk to him, hand him a bit of bread. If he were a cozy kind of animal, I'd carry him around the house with me. But he doesn't really care for being touched.
I told Birdie he and I are going to have to muddle along with our aches and pains. I have an appt with the doctor for my hands, on Monday.