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Home & Garden > Oh


In maybe a month I will see if life has gotten any easier. My 2 coworkers and I just finished a short writing course aimed at online marketers, and we all managed to hit the deadline for each daily assignment, which I am very proud about. But Mike and I both are terrible with deadlines, so we were just barely posting our work with a few minutes to spare, and the deadline was always 4am. So our sleep got terribly messed up. I don’t know about other people, but when I don’t sleep all night, I experience pain all over the next day. So I’ve had all-over pain for the last week.

Just when I was finally able to sleep a stretch of 5 hours at a time and felt more human, a situation came down the road. My landlord, who manages this house for his family, said his siblings want to sell it now. So he has no choice, and an appraiser has to come in in a few days. Here’s where I had to finally think about how I’ve been living, surrounded by boxes and papers. I haven’t arranged with him to get house repairs done. So I talked with him about those, which are considerable.

During this poor sleep cycle I’ve allowed other things to pile up — laundry, and much more. I have to make a herculean effort just so his brother can come and make a repair list tomorrow. I feel weak and tired already, and I’ve hardly started. I will have to do what I can, because what I would like to do is beyond my strength.

And eventually, I’m going to have to find somewhere else to live. But one thing at a time.

posted on July 2, 2019 2:47 PM ()


I moved from NYC to Memphis to Fort Lauderdale--got better each time and now best life ever!!
comment by greatmartin on July 7, 2019 2:59 PM ()
I hope you find the home of your dreams! Places are always so exciting
to me and I love new surroundings. The process of making a home your very own should cheer you up even though the work is daunting.
comment by elderjane on July 4, 2019 1:43 AM ()
I seem to be getting a new(er) place right now, because the owners are scurrying to do all sorts of repairs for the sale. An outside wall is being rebuilt, some painting outside is being done, inside walls were fixed, and then will come some plumbing. It's simply amazing.

I found out from the landlord that this buyer wants to keep all the rental agreements with tenants in place, even to the amount of rent. It sounds very very good. I'll have plenty of time, evidently, to reduce my stuff before moving.
reply by drmaus on July 6, 2019 10:09 AM ()
I got a sofa bed if you ever need it!
comment by greatmartin on July 3, 2019 8:20 PM ()
So kind an offer! If I just travel 1000 miles or so.
reply by drmaus on July 6, 2019 10:05 AM ()
So this event is helping you reshape your life -- not at all a bad thing, apparently. You will end up in a new place, all organized (it says here), and living a life that is easy to manage.
comment by tealstar on July 3, 2019 2:01 PM ()
Yes, a lot of things I don't like actually have good conclusions. But it's different from what I thought. The likely buyer wants my house plus several other of the owner's rental properties, and has agreed to keep our leases the same! So if the sale goes through, it looks like I will be okay, and have time to reduce my stuff before I decide to move.
reply by drmaus on July 6, 2019 10:04 AM ()
I do just as poorly without enough sleep except that I feel like I have a fever and headache. I thinking that some "Os" would do wonders.
(Os, climber's term for oxygen)
comment by jjoohhnn on July 3, 2019 11:15 AM ()
Some Os, yep. A lot of insomniacs don't get enough. I was so worn out I started having what I thought was tachycardia, but it was only spasms of the muscles of the chest and abdomen near my heart, very weird. My pulse was actually normal, but this jumping made me feel breathless. Took a long time to stop. Today, after sleeping, I feel fine.
reply by drmaus on July 6, 2019 10:01 AM ()
Any chance of talking to the family (sounds so Mafia!!) about renting to buy? And/or you taking over the repairs? Or is it even worth 'dealing' for?
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2019 9:09 PM ()
It's not worth buying, to me, even if I had the means to. I suspect I'll have time to minimize my belongings and get ready to move while they're fixing things. It took them at least 5 months before they rented it to me, after the last guy. They had to do quite a bit just to make it rentable. However, I need to check lease stuff/legal to be sure about some things.
reply by drmaus on July 3, 2019 3:59 AM ()
I like your 'one thing at a time' attitude, seems like the best way to stay sane under the circumstances.
comment by traveltales on July 2, 2019 8:51 PM ()
It is hard to know what's coming. Getting rid of things is now sounding wonderful.
reply by drmaus on July 3, 2019 4:04 AM ()

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