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Life & Events > Boring > Encounter


It may be another year or two before I get a dog again, and a move to another neighborhood. Last night convinced me to take my walks in the daylight only. I live on a small enclosed block which is removed from the main road. The houses are close together and together with house lights, there would be plenty of light if all the streetlamps worked. A man who lives on the other side of the block is still walking his 3 dogs without leashes. I came upon them unexpectedly in my walk, and in the sole streetlight saw all 3 dogs notice me at the same time I saw their silhouettes — wandering and milling around in the street with their owner. Two streetlights are out on that side of the block. I had my flashlight out, and called hello to the owner, and stopped walking.

He stepped forward and suddenly all 3 dogs were swirling around me exactly like sharks; one of them was so tall it came up to my shoulder. I heard myself asking if they were friendly — while the 3 sniffed, nudged and brushed around my coat again and again. Their faces left wetness on my hair and coat. He said, “Oh, they love everybody they meet, they’re friendly. I train them,” and more I can’t really remember. I could tell by the snout that rubbed against my shoulder that at least one was a Great Dane.

I remember saying, oh my. And not being able to move forward. I asked what they were, and he said one was a Great Dane, one a … what did he say, Irish wolfhound, or lab? and one was a Doberman. The shark-swirling went on a little longer. I said oh my again.

Then I asked him to move them away from me, because I was a “little nervous.” He whistled to them and they immediately left off their investigation of me and I started walking off.

I don’t think I’ll walk at night any longer, and no dog until I live somewhere else. I can’t forget the pit bull attack on my late dog Buddy (this was in a different area entirely), when it grabbed him by the neck and tossed him this way and that, trying to break his neck. My dog survived that with some injuries but we were lucky a car stopped to help. That too involved a man walking his dog without a leash. Dog interactions are complex and aren’t to be relied upon.

How do you handle something like this? I don’t want to run into him and his loose dogs again, ever. Make a complaint about it? Leave a note at his house? It was unreal.

posted on Jan 28, 2020 10:52 AM ()


If no one reports him, nothing will change.
comment by janett on Feb 3, 2020 4:32 PM ()
Report him by all means. There are leash laws and I worry about Jose all
the time because he is so little and he likes other dogs. Walk in the daytime, it is much safer. we have a nice couple in our neighborhood who walks their dogs without a leash early in the morning and I hate it. They have big dogs.
comment by elderjane on Jan 30, 2020 7:22 AM ()
We have strict leash laws and people are constantly being reported and it only takes once! You shouldn't have to give up walking because some people are inconsiderate!
Suggestion--go to nextdoor.com and get into your neighborhood group and you will see what is going on with dog owners and their dogs!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 28, 2020 8:13 PM ()
The guy's an idiot even if he thinks his togs are friendly and well-trained. I'd check on the laws of the locality and go from there.
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 28, 2020 5:22 PM ()
Do your local ordinances allow you to make a complaint about leash law non-compliance without the dog owner knowing it was you? Around here, a lot of dog owners act like leash laws are for wimps and don't apply to them because they overestimate how well-trained their dogs are, and they think everyone has to love those dogs.
comment by traveltales on Jan 28, 2020 12:11 PM ()
That might be something I could ask about, even if I don't want to make a complaint. I'm pretty certain the local police are aware of these dogs, because of the nightly patrolling the police do around here.
reply by drmaus on Jan 28, 2020 1:05 PM ()

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