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Computing & Technology > Blogging > Critters


I’m waiting to reach my coworkers and secure an account that was apparently hacked, so I’m a bunch of nerves. I don’t think the hacker got very far, but still.

It makes me feel better to see animals around. Yesterday I tossed some grapes that were getting too soft under the tree in the yard, thinking the birds would eat them, but I just saw one of the groundhogs is back to eat the clover, and I think he ate them since the whole lot is gone. He lies on his stomach to eat clover, snapping his head around every so often to see if anyone’s coming. I have cheap little binoculars to watch him/her with. I don’t see any young ones around, but I suspect it’s a woman groundhog. So to speak.

Now I see a robin is eating some of the ones I put out today. Good. I am not partial to robins, but they’re always here so I guess I have to get used to them. Not sure why they set me off, maybe it’s because they seem to have commandeered my yard, scaring away other birds. Possibly I can put out seed that attracts other kinds.

Every joint of mine hurts just now, but I know the best thing for me is to get them all moving. I set a timer for when I’ve been sitting working a while, reminding me to get up and trot up the stairs, do a few exercises.

posted on June 5, 2019 7:36 PM ()


Mostly we get big birds egrets, ospreys, a tame egret looking for a handout once walked into our garage. But once a palm rat nested in our attic, found its way into our kitchen cabinet and ate through our dishwasher hose (several times). That was an expensive time. I'd wake up to a flooded kitchen.
comment by tealstar on June 15, 2019 5:37 AM ()
We had a pair of groundhogs and they'd stand up perfectly straight looking around. I never did see the babies, but every year I find all sorts of evidence of nesting as the wood pile shrinks. Good luck with the hacker, that's scary ####!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 6, 2019 4:09 PM ()
My groundhog doesn't stand up like that, in fact she looks so lazy lying in the clover, but moves like lightning when startled. The hacker activity was noticed by admin, thank goodness, and they emailed me.
reply by drmaus on June 6, 2019 4:31 PM ()
Hackers . That fox we used to have visiting us loved grapes. It was fun to watch him zig-zagging across the lawn to pick them up.
comment by traveltales on June 6, 2019 9:10 AM ()
I'm going to start putting out a few little bits of things like that in the same place and see who comes.
reply by drmaus on June 6, 2019 4:32 PM ()
Just found out the Okc Museum of art is hosting an exhibition of Monet,
Degas and Van Gogh in June so we are looking forward to seeing some of our favorites in the original. I hate hackers and love animals. The
floods have forced a lot of racoons out of their hiding places and there are lots of racoon rescues going on. People who have had them for pets, tell me they are very naughty and you have to put child proof
locks on all your cabinet doors. BTW, the stiffness gets worse with age.
comment by elderjane on June 6, 2019 5:03 AM ()
That's a perfect trio, I hope you see wonderful paintings. The museum here has gotten so expensive for non-members now. I'm trying to remember to eat walnuts, blueberries and spinach daily to help my arthritis.
reply by drmaus on June 6, 2019 4:50 PM ()
I LOVE birds--use to have 21 in my apartment--found out finches are worse than rabbits!!

We have blue jays, woodpeckers, egrets along with a huge flock of wild parrots that visit every evening not to forget squirrels,lizards, geekos, once in a while a croc or alligator, softshell crabs not to forget the manatees who swim by during mating season that I can see through my windows!!

I love seeing all the critters along with butterflies, dragon flies and assorted other bugs.
comment by greatmartin on June 5, 2019 9:18 PM ()
I love bluejays but they are crazy in spring and one kept diving at my head when I went in my backyard. Manatees? That's radical.
reply by drmaus on June 6, 2019 4:52 PM ()

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