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Home & Garden > Cooking and Planting a Bit

Cooking and Planting a Bit

Things you do only rarely can be fun. Recently I started baking a little bit, and a pineapple-honey coffeecake turned out really well. I think I’ll get some silicone muffin cups to bake in because they’re so easy to clean up afterwards. Those paper liners seem to cement themselves to the muffins.

Next I’m trying either some sauteed cabbage with ginger and cream (terrible for your cholesterol), or vegetable egg rolls and spring rolls. One of these things could be a side dish to take with me on the holidays. The marshmallow fudge I made last year went over pretty well. It is so weird to have anything I cooked praised. When I used to make split pea soup -- and gave jars to my sisters, I am pretty certain they threw it out.

Another thing I am suddenly doing is starting seeds indoors. A couple of celery ends that I put in water grew surprisingly leafy, which was a nice surprise because I have a black thumb and can kill even cactus. Anyway, I put them into a pot with soil. Also planted some carrot seeds. By coincidence, my friend Mike just told me he’s sending me a present of a plastic terrarium box with a grow light. That will be perfect for something like spinach or purslane, which I'll soon have seeds for.

Speaking of nice things in the mail, months ago Mike sent me an Echo Dot and smart bulbs, so I can set up some lights that I could turn on remotely. With the Smart Plug I should be able to turn on lights from far away. In summer, I could turn on a fan without being home, as long as the plug is within range of the wifi. I still have to set this up.

posted on Nov 7, 2019 9:58 AM ()


have to add, our house is just yards from big water--a back bay of Charlotte Harbor on Florida's west coast. So we can fish if we want to, but we don't. Again, my idea of having fish is to ask the fish guy at the market to filet that please.
comment by tealstar on Nov 13, 2019 6:16 AM ()
Cooking and baking are pretty satisfying chores. I limit my gardening to
tomatoes and squash in the summer and my flowers. Speaking of flowers, my beautiful begonias probably froze last night. I nursed them as long as I could.
comment by elderjane on Nov 8, 2019 5:19 AM ()
In answer to your question, I have roses, ferns, ivy , aloe vera and hydrangeas. All gone now it is very bare and bleak looking outside, I loathe winter.
reply by elderjane on Nov 9, 2019 3:36 PM ()
Oh, yes, the freeze has hit here too. What other flowers do (did) you have?
reply by drmaus on Nov 8, 2019 6:29 AM ()
I laughed about the pea soup - my family would probably do the same.
comment by traveltales on Nov 7, 2019 6:45 PM ()
I let it cook until it's really thick, which they don't like. And then when you cool it, it separates and looks weird. So I stopped giving them any.
reply by drmaus on Nov 8, 2019 6:27 AM ()
Nice guy that I am I am volunteering to be your official taster and then when you go into business selling your recipes you can add "Officially Tested by and Approved by GreatMartin"!
Romaine lettuce is very easy to grow, avocados provide a flowing vine, pepper seeds can just be put in a bowl of dirt and will provide blossoms turning into good peppers.
comment by greatmartin on Nov 7, 2019 3:26 PM ()
Actually it's your posts that inspired me to check to see what vegetables can be regrown from seeds or the root, and soon I may try tomatoes too.
reply by drmaus on Nov 8, 2019 6:26 AM ()
I used to plant seeds for transplant in the garden, but it turns out that seeds planted directly outside catch up anyway and the transplants didn't always survive anyway. I was looking at my two latest avocado trees this morning thanking about taking a picture. Guess I will.
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 7, 2019 10:26 AM ()
I am envious of your avocado trees. I didn't even know they could grow so far north.
reply by drmaus on Nov 8, 2019 6:24 AM ()
too non techie to turn anything on from somewhere else. Enjoy your adventures into food land. My idea of fun eating is to tell the waiter what I want.
comment by tealstar on Nov 7, 2019 10:18 AM ()
Telling a waiter to bring you dinner someone else had to make, that is fun.
reply by drmaus on Nov 8, 2019 6:23 AM ()

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