Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
Brandon, FL
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Brush Strokes

Arts & Culture > Mediocrity



n. pl. me•di•oc•ri•ties
1. The state or quality of being mediocre.
2. Mediocre ability, achievement, or performance.
3. One that displays mediocre qualities.

me•di•o•cre adj. Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary.

I think this is one of the biggest reasons I stopped painting. It is how my son described my art and I felt myself fall through a dark hole. It was his explanation for why he did not have any of my art in his house. I think I can relate to being a man and having my **** cut off. It is bad enough that he does not appreciate me as a mother and goes so far as to say that I am not his mother, but to put down my art… that devastated me.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), it made me look at my art more critically. My artwork is mediocre. No, I don’t think it is inferior, but it is average; it is ordinary, and I have been studying art like never before looking for that tiny stroke of genius that will set me apart. I don’t need fame or fortune. I just want a style or body of work that defines me. What can I do that is different?

Those horses are more of the same but I will be doing a few more of the ‘same old’ mediocre paintings while I regain the feel of the paint and brushes and become comfortable painting again. I posted this on FB but for some reason, the photo was way too light/bright and the moody sky was lost.

posted on Aug 30, 2013 12:11 AM ()


Kids aren't the proper audience of their parents' artwork, I wouldn't think, partly because they identify with their parents (no matter what) and so their critique is at least part self-critique. I hope you can put it aside in your mind somewhat for that reason.

This painting above? It's beautiful. The only thing I could wish different is the white horse to be standing or walking instead of jumping -- but that might be because I'm so repressed, personally. Or maybe the horse needs more abandon, not less. In fact, that's probably it, I wish he were leaping higher. He's sort of in between a still figure and a flying one.

I would love to see more animal pictures of yours -- dogs and cats especially. Same with Jon's! all those cats but hardly any cat paintings. I notice that recent one he did sold instantly.
comment by drmaus on Oct 6, 2013 11:48 AM ()
Thank you! I have a cat Christmas card that I will post.
reply by dragonflyby on Oct 18, 2013 12:03 AM ()
I think he enjoys hurting me. I am only now learning how vindictive he is.
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:54 PM ()
I agree with sentiments in these comments. If you want to change your art, try working with your non-dominant hand. It will remove the automatic strokes and might show you a new way to paint, if that is what you want.
comment by tealstar on Sept 8, 2013 6:29 AM ()
I have not yet tried that, but I now restrict myself to a few brushes- and no longer use small ones. That prevents me from painting detail.
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:52 PM ()
Critics are people who can't do what the people they're criticizing do. The important question is: Does doing a painting make you feel better, make you feel as if you've accomplished something unique? If the answer is YES, you're cool. You wanna guess which now famous painters were at the time deemed by some critics to be "mediocre"?
comment by steeve on Sept 3, 2013 5:34 PM ()
Yes- so true. He cannot paint a stroke!
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:53 PM ()
bugger what others say , you have to feel that all is good . Keep on painting you'r your own critic
comment by kevinshere on Aug 30, 2013 10:30 PM ()
I wouldn't let one person's negativity affect my self-esteem even if it was a relative. Local artists display their work in the local hospitals and a cafe in town, and the work is so varied that some I like and some I don't like. But one person's opinion really isn't important. Last time we were at an outdoor neighborhood art festival Donna bought a painting of a country scene with laundry hanging on a wash line. LOL It is something I wouldn't go for if it was the last painting on earth, but it brings back memories for Donna. "To thine own self be true".
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 30, 2013 10:41 AM ()
I think my son is about the only person who affects me like that, but I am getting over him too.
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:51 PM ()
Dottie, your art evokes emotion. No artist who can do that is mediocre.
I love this painting for the sense of happiness and freedom that I get from
it. You don't have to stop loving your son, just don't let him hurt you
any more. If it means severing ties with him, so be it. Love him but don't lay your heart bare for him to wound.
comment by elderjane on Aug 30, 2013 10:21 AM ()
I tried once again to sort things out with my son- to no avail. Severing ties would be easier, but he accuses me of rejecting my grandchildren. No matter what I do, I am wrong where he is concerned. I am so sick of whining about him!
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:49 PM ()
She's right. Keep on keeping on.
comment by jondude on Aug 30, 2013 6:32 AM ()
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 13, 2013 2:53 PM ()
There is a lot of feeling in your work - I always get a sense that they come from your heart. I think he's jealous and was digging deep for a cheap shot that he knew would wound you. It is easy to tell you not to pay attention to your son, but that doesn't erase the hurt; just know you've got staunch supporters here on MyBloggers, and keep on painting.
comment by troutbend on Aug 30, 2013 6:29 AM ()

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