I went out like I said two days ago and got my hair cut. The hairdresser cut it WAY too short, so until my hair grows back in you may have to call me Bob. It could only be shorter had she used a razor! Next time I am going to have to bring a picture with me. No shorter than that...!
Is Obama as inexperienced as his opponents claim? Hardly! The Junior Senator from Illinois has already accomplished a great deal. Good grief! Just Google his name and read the bios- especially the ones that do not appear on his own pages.
I believe in him for very different reasons. Like many great, young politicians before him, he is not so deeply entrenched and jaded by our turgid political process and is willing to 'buck' the status quo that is Washington today. He has the support of the European Union, speaking of which, he has a great deal in common with men like Toni Blair. Blair was just as "inexperienced" - and considerably younger- when he became Prime Minister of England. Blair is slated to be the first President of the emerging European Union (what, you thought they were just going to a common currency system?) He also presently serves as the UN envoy to the Mid-East, a position with considerable clout these days.
What does Barrack Obama have to do with Toni Blair? Blair is a prime example of how successfully a younger, more 'inexperienced' politician can shape a nation and leave their mark on the world order.
When you look at Obama's goals as President, some of the ideas may not be new, i.e., universal health care, but I think he can garner the support to finally make this a reality. And less dependence on fossil fuels/ more emphasis on renewable energy sources? The oil companies will spend every dime possible to bar his election! It is an idea whose time has come. Oil prices are not just choking our economy, but are threatening a depression. Look at all of the auto plants shutting down, and trucking companies filing bankruptcy... This drives up the cost of all other goods. Then there is the National home foreclosure rate. This is only indirectly linked to oil but directly to the banking firms which comprise the FRB (which also own stocks in oil companies.)
I don't post many political opinions. Maybe I sometimes come off as a brainless twit with a paint brush, but all of us think about these things at some time.
Go Obama!