Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
Brandon, FL
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Life & Events > Relationships > Finding Mr. Right

Finding Mr. Right

I am a little tired of being alone all of the time and dating sites are not that great for finding Mr. Right. Well, I decided to check out a match making service. Basically, they screen for anything that ends in

First, there was an online form. I must have filled out three or four screens and then gave up when I could garner no information about how much their services cost.

Apparently, the info is stored even if you cancel the form because they called me the next day. They asked another dozen or so questions but declined to give me any info about what their services cost, saying they preferred to do that in a one-on-one interview. I made an appointment.

I go to their office, fill out another form, then sit through a one and a half hour interview. Now, they know everything about me- marital history, sexual preferences, my children, my personal and professional life including where I live and what I earn. They deflect every question about what their services will cost me, but somewhere in there I catch the words "criminal records check" and "bank financing"--- with no mention of who pays for the criminal records check, and they are certainly not free! (Oh, yes, I did have to sign to agree to the check, but they expected me to sign without knowing how much it would cost, and fortunately, we never got to the signing any documents stage.)

Next, they ask for three forms of I.D. I declined to give that to them until they explained to me how much they charged and the terms of their contracts/ agreements. The interviewer abruptly ended the interview and ushered me to the front door. I kid you not- she did not even pretend to offer a polite or professional good-bye and even told me not to ask anymore questions because she did not want the interviewee in the next office to hear me. (I was not speaking loudly. The walls were paper thin and I could hear him going through the same process on the other side of the wall.)

No Mr. Right for me, I guess! By the way, that is the name of that painting that I did a few years ago, "Finding Mr. Right." I did not paint anything from the personal area down so as not to be vulgar. A friend of mine joked that I left those parts out because I no longer remember what they look like. She might be on to something!

posted on June 30, 2010 10:15 PM ()


"Desperate times calls for desperate measures," eh? Dating services have crossed my mind, but a) I'm too old now, and b) I'm sure it's a waste of time and (esp.) money. Oh yes, and c) I like being a bachelor. I can't exactly call myself "solitaire" until my sister moves out. I still feel your pain.
comment by solitaire on July 4, 2010 7:52 AM ()
Do you still have that painting there?if so.For sale?
comment by fredo on July 2, 2010 2:37 PM ()
Forgot to mentioned that the new avatar is great.Is that you?
comment by fredo on July 2, 2010 2:36 PM ()
Yes, it's me.
reply by dragonflyby on July 3, 2010 9:11 PM ()
That picture was taken last month. It is nice to have hair again.
reply by dragonflyby on July 3, 2010 9:10 PM ()
wow!not sure what to say about finding Mr.Right.This is very hard.
Not sure how many out there.Are you sure that you want to get involved in this.Pretty spooky these dating services.
comment by fredo on July 2, 2010 2:35 PM ()
Well, I sure declined to get involved with that one!
reply by dragonflyby on July 3, 2010 9:11 PM ()
That dating service sounds like a rip-off. I don't blame you for not signing anything without proper disclosure. There are legitimate services out there. Don't give up.
comment by redimpala on July 1, 2010 10:00 AM ()
Their fees have to be exorbitant if they have to seek bank financing to pay them.Don't know that finding someone is worth more debt.
reply by dragonflyby on July 2, 2010 8:24 AM ()
Wow! That sounds like an intense dating service. It is tough finding that someone special. You just never know where, when, and how. When you do find him, though, he will be one lucky guy!
comment by lunarhunk on July 1, 2010 8:10 AM ()
Thank you! I am no longer trim or petite, and unfortunately, lots of guys my age want arm candy.
reply by dragonflyby on July 2, 2010 8:25 AM ()
nice painting Dottie and.... weird match making service....something like that should be based on trust but the way they work......
comment by itsjustme on July 1, 2010 7:29 AM ()
Guess a lot of candidates just go along like sheep.
reply by dragonflyby on July 2, 2010 8:26 AM ()
Well, I hate to confess this but I met Ted in a night club as well as most of the other men I dated. My girl friends and I went to dance and meet men and most of the women I know did the same. You have a chance to screen them pretty well before you let them see where you live with coffee
dates and such. It is also a lot of fun to dance and it is good exercise.
comment by elderjane on July 1, 2010 7:03 AM ()
Nightclubs don't sound like a bad place. I just don't go by myself.
reply by dragonflyby on July 2, 2010 8:27 AM ()

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