In January I started scanning in a manuscript that I finished/ wrote years ago. The going has been slow because my time to devote to scanning pages and editing the text is limited. I thought I would be done months before now! Sometimes I completely forget to work on it for weeks at a time and that only adds to the delay.
Today I went back to work only to discover that the last 100 pages were missing. I have only that one faded photocopy of the original- no digital file- nothing else. Panic set in. I could not find those pages anywhere. Of course, I remember how it ends and I could have written it again, but it would not be the same. The tone would be different. It would not be what I originally wrote, and the thought of rewriting the ending depressed the heck out of me.
I tore my house apart, shelf by shelf, file by file, hour after hour. At last, I resigned myself to it being lost and started putting everything back- only to discover that the dang thing was hiding in plain sight!
I have the entire manuscript again- whole and intact, and all of the pages together in one place. Only 122 pages to go and I will be done. That may sound like a lot, but the pages are double spaced and the margins are wide.