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Life As I See It

Life & Events > TV Ads and Passing Judgment

TV Ads and Passing Judgment

TV ads ...... for the most part, they are nothing more than an assault on the intelligence of the viewer. Maybe it goes back to how I was raised. Maybe it is what I have learned as I have matured. It doesn't really matter. In this day of working to eliminate bias, discrimination, and to promote true equality, etc....all of which I am totally in support of eliminating and promoting.....yet people sit back and allow the advertisers to continue the assault. We continue to see women portrayed in ways that are meant to keep us in our place, so to speak. We are to focus our attention on "how we look" because obviously, that is what is most important. Women are supposed to be the perfect little specimen, that shiny trophy their man can show off to the world. Have you seen the one where the dufus of a man has dilated his eyes so as "not to miss anything" while searching for deals on travel? Pan to his wife, and his "not missing anything" comments about the hair on her upper lip and the lines near her eyes. That comes off to me as pointedly letting the wife know that she is slipping. He isn't missing a thing, particularly the less than favorable things. Heaven forbid you have hair on your upper lip, or that your body doesn't look like you are 18 anymore. Duh! We are getting older. We are SUPPOSED to age. C'mon Kayak! I have been a fan of yours for a long, LONG time. I am insulted. This is just one example, out of MANY.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I hear it every single day, whether by idiots who open their mouths or those who pick up the mighty pen (aka computer keyboard) to spread their poison and keep the Barbie-doll-like-woman alive and well. Why is it so important to you what I wear? Or how much I weigh? Or how I fix my hair? Or what kind of car/truck I drive? Or what my workout schedule is? Or whether I even have a workout schedule? What really gets me is the ones who speak to things like "the equality of women" and yet the words coming out of the OTHER side of their mouths are dissing her because she isn't model thin and dressed to the nines. Stereotypically, a man can be anything he wants. He can look any way he wants. He can dress any way he wants. He can work out or not. He can be thin as a rail or as big as a house. Long hair, short hair, no hair. It doesn't matter. He is a man. He is accepted just as he is. And if he is successful in the work world....well, all the better. But a woman? She is supposed to fit into this neat little category of perfection. Not a single ounce of extra fat on her body, be shapely and sexy and beautiful. No gray hairs, no wrinkles. She is to "bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let him forget he's a man...." Be that perfect little wife. And if you don't meet all those little requirements, then shame on you.

It breaks my heart, really, to hear people give their analysis...honestly it is their "judgment"....of the person or people they are about to tell you something about. Why does the woman's weight have anything to do with who she is? What does what she is wearing have to do with telling me about her struggles with 'whatever'? What does her religion of choice have to do with what kind of person she is?

I don't remember my Grandmother, my dad's mom, very well...but I do remember her well enough. She was an immigrant from East Germany, and I would almost expect to see a picture of her in the dictionary next to the word "spry". That was Gramma! As young as I was, I clearly remember hearing Gramma talk about her new neighbors. Now, understand, Gramma was a devout Lutheran. She was telling of meeting the new neighbors, giving a brief description of these lovely people, and then she just had to say it. I'd heard her say it before. Here it comes...."They seem to be really nice people......but they are CATHOLIC!" Oh My Goodness! Well that just dropped them down, not a few notches, but obviously to the basement below the basement. The fact that they were "catholic" just seemed to totally eliminate any other redeeming qualities of these people. I hear the same types of things from others. "She is such a nice person, and is so successful in her career, but she is OVERWEIGHT!" or "....she was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt!". OMG! How DARE she allow herself to be comfortable and be who SHE is.

I can hear it, I've heard it for years.....the judgment has been handed down on me to......"she's such a nice person, but my gosh, she wears blue jeans and work boots!" "she doesn't wear any make-up!" "She needs to lose 30 pounds!" "She has just let herself go!" "she drives a TRUCK!"

Me? Obviously I have judged when I shouldn't have, but it is something I work very hard not to do. I have caught myself thinking judgmental things and given myself a serious scolding for it. I try hard to see "the person" inside. I aim for living with the philosophy that the cover does NOT make the book. It doesn't matter to me what anyone weighs. Yes, I do hope, for their sake, for their HEALTH, that they find a way to a healthier life. I'm trying to find that healthier life myself. But It doesn't change my feelings for that person. And it certainly doesn't mean that I think any less of the person because of their weight. Which means you will not hear me saying "Oh she is such a nice, sweet person, but she is overweight."

I am not tall. I am not thin. I am not perfectly coifed nor dressed to the nines. I clean my house in sweats and a t-shirt. If a trip to the grocery store is in the midst of my cleaning, then sweats and a t is still the attire. Make-up manufacturers make absolutely ZERO from me. My hair is short and is generously sprinkled with gray. I am far FAR from perfect. Obviously I am not nearly as good as YOU. Because you seem to think all of these things determine who I am. These are all part of me, but they are not who I am. You don't like it? So.....sue me!

In true literary fashion, you are to bring your story back to the ads was my opening line. The ads of old showed the woman of the house, touting her "new cleaning product" as she scours the kitchen sink in her skirt and high heels. I don't clean my house in high heels.....or a skirt....or dress pants.....or any such thing. The tv ads of today are no different. Read the previous paragraph...sweats and a t-shirt here.

Quit trying to impress upon me that I need to be so frickin' perfect, even while I toil. I am insulted. And honestly, trying to cut me down is only a false sense of elevation for you. Your judgment and your feeling that you need to SAY it out loud, all the time....that drops YOU down. Because it speaks to me of who you really are. Advertisers beware! I am one who tends to avoid the products of those who think they need to pass their judgment, and continue to promote the stereotype of what a "real woman" is. If you don't like what you see, well...then look somewhere else. I'll just be me, thank you very much.

posted on May 19, 2012 7:01 AM ()


The inside person is the one we love or hate. The trappings on the outside
don't matter to me. I try to be clean and well groomed and not go out
of the house looking awful but sometimes you just have to go to the store
with a shiny nose.
comment by elderjane on May 20, 2012 1:10 PM ()
I try to make sure I am "presentable" when I go out too. But sometimes that just doesn't happen, especially if it is a quick trip out to pick up something needed immediately. And I agree completely, it's what is on the inside that counts. I just don't like hearing people passing judgment on external "values" so easily.....because to me, it really speaks loudly to me. Just like with my Grandma, all the "good things" she said about those neighbors were pretty much wiped out by the "but they're catholic" comment. Sad!
reply by dakmom on May 21, 2012 3:08 PM ()
Excellent. Grade "A" post!
comment by jondude on May 20, 2012 6:59 AM ()
Thanks, Jon!
reply by dakmom on May 20, 2012 10:54 AM ()
Yes, people are a lot more friendly here.
comment by greatmartin on May 19, 2012 4:28 PM ()
Found you!!!! Would you prefer I comment here or there???
comment by greatmartin on May 19, 2012 12:47 PM ()
Either is great! I am keeping up with both of them, because I have found a vast difference in a majority of the audience on each. So, either is fine with me! Thanks for finding me!
reply by dakmom on May 19, 2012 1:09 PM ()
It's not just media advertising, but we have to look no further than one or two of our fellow bloggers here on MyBloggers for those attitudes. What a shame.
comment by troutbend on May 19, 2012 10:11 AM ()
I are exactly right. I just hate that people feel the need to try to make themselves feel better by judging others. It was actually the TV ad I mentioned at the beginning that got me on this rant today....but it is one I have written in my head many many times....just without the ad reference!! LOL. Thanks for reading!!
reply by dakmom on May 19, 2012 11:01 AM ()

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