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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Terminology Change ... ... .

Terminology Change ... ... .

This is probably, most definitely, assuredly, absolutely, positively, sort of, maybe, kind of......a post with controversial content. Not only because it is my opinion and thoughts and your opinion and thoughts may differ from mine, thus creating a sort of controversy, but also because I might use words that you don't "ass". So if you're offended....quit reading when it becomes too unbearable and find something else to do. Just don't forget to come back later to read my more politically correct posts! LOL.

I have to ask....just when, exactly, did the terminology change regarding particular undergarments and those things so many people wear on their feet? I'm talking about "thongs". Now I may be dating myself just slightly, but when and where I grew up, thongs were something you wore on your feet in the summer, frequently to the pool or the beach. If there was a piece of any sort on the shoe that was between your big toe and your first toe, then they were thongs. That is what they were. Period. Sandals were something different.

NOW....if I say the word thongs, people automatically think of that tiny piece of fabric, with elastic on it, that you wedge up your ass, as a substitute for underpants.....Butt floss as I like to call it.

My daughter left a pair that particular kind of footwear at my house one day. I said to her "Honey, you left your thongs here." To which she replied, "I DID NOT! I left my flip flops there. I NEVER leave my thongs at your house!"

And speaking of undergarments......since when does a car have anything that requires the use of a bra? A bra is made and designed to hold a woman's breasts, giving support and a smooth contoured looked....rather than letting the boobs just dangle freely...flopping in the breeze, so to speak. I've never seen a car with boobs (well, okay, I've seen cars with "boobs" inside, but that is a different kind of boob altogether! And why do we call people boobs, anyway? Oh well, that is a whole 'nother topic!) So why does a car need to wear a bra?

My bra will be something I wear (or don't) discreetly hidden beneath my shirt. And for the record, they will always be thongs to me, and if I decide to wear thongs, they will be on my feet, not shoved up my ass!

LMAO! Hope y'all have a great day!

posted on May 31, 2012 9:22 AM ()


In my old west coast community, "thongs" WERE called butt floss. Tattoos on the lower back just above the butt crack were called "Berkeley license plates." LOL
comment by jondude on June 1, 2012 11:58 AM ()
I've always known those tats on the low back right above the butt crack as "tramp stamps"!
reply by dakmom on June 1, 2012 1:09 PM ()
Just to show off surely, it can't be comfortable. I would never try it
but then I am beyond the sexy games. Ted has to be content with cotton
comment by elderjane on May 31, 2012 10:40 PM ()
I know what you mean. And honestly, does something like THAT really look sexy? Not in my humble opinion! LOL.
reply by dakmom on June 1, 2012 1:08 PM ()
I have noticed that! I think they wear it all the time...although I have no idea why! I also haven't ever figured out women who show theirs off too. I don't want to wear that, let alone show it off!
comment by dakmom on May 31, 2012 8:14 PM ()
Very funny! Have you noticed the number of men on reality shows (a concrete guy on Dirty Jobs, and one of the Axe Men in Louisiana to name two) who reveal their thong underwear to us? I can't decide if they do it just to show off for TV, or also wear it when nobody is looking.
comment by troutbend on May 31, 2012 5:09 PM ()

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