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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Milestones


Yesterday was one of those life milestone days for me. It was 30 years ago yesterday that my life was blessed again, with the birth of my beautiful daughter. So hard to believe that my BABY is 30! Wow! And I must say, I am so proud of the man and woman that my son and daughter have become. I'm thinking I must have done something right when I was raising them.

Funny, when on Facebook today, I saw a friend of my daughter announcing her "birthday party" in June. She went on to say that she was celebrating the 1st anniversary of her 29th birthday. Ha! I have just never understood that. Maybe I am unique. I don't know. I could hardly wait to become 50....starting around the time I was 35. I'm on my way to 60 now! And I am not looking back, wishing I was back there in my younger days. I am looking forward, anxious to see what lies ahead. There will be good and there will be not so good. But I certainly can't go back and live my life over, so why live in the past? I choose to live my life as it rolls along!

I once read a story, or an article or it may have even been in a book (I'm thinking it was in a book) discussing age and the best day of your life. Think about it. If someone were to come up to you right now and ask you "What has been the best day of your life?" What would you say? Think about it for a minute before you continue reading ............................................................................................................................................................................... So many people will say "the day I got married." or "the day my child was born" or "the day.....whatever." What does that say about that persons life? It says that THAT day was the pinnacle. They reached the peak....obviously....because they claim it as the "best day" of their life. Well when one reaches the peak...where is there to go from there? Down. That's the only option. I feel sorry for the people who say that the best day of their life the past. Honestly, TODAY is the best day of my far. And tomorrow will be the best day, and the next day and the next. You see my point. We mark our lives, with all the little milestones. The first day of school, graduation from high school, first job, marriage, birth of our children, then grandchildren, retirement, maybe a divorce is thrown in there too, and possibly a second or third marriage, etc.

I see myself as the eternal optimist. The glass is half full. The best is yet to come. If the best is yet to come, then it couldn't have happened "back then."

I do celebrate the milestones of my life. I just do not give them more weight than they deserve. They are times to celebrate and to relive the joys. And although I was absolutely thrilled on November 10, 1979 and May 14, 1982 and those days were the very VERY best days of my life at that point in time, think of all I'd have missed, and all the joys I would have let slip away if I'd been living my life looking down the hill.

Live for today. Find your joy and your happiness in today. Celebrate the milestones, but let today be the best day of your life. And then let tomorrow be the best day of your life. And then.........

posted on May 15, 2012 4:08 PM ()


The day I was born was the best day of my life. I don't mean that in a conceited way. I mean, if I hadn't been born, I would have missed everything that has ever happened and everything that will be happening to me.
comment by nittineedles on May 15, 2012 4:56 PM ()
True! I would only rephrase that to "the day I was born was the first best day of my life!"
reply by dakmom on May 16, 2012 3:12 AM ()
You are absolutely correct! The only thing any of us really have is this moment. The rest is baggage--"good or bad". And even those judgments have little meaning. What seems like a "good" idea today may be disastrous a month from now.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 15, 2012 4:27 PM ()
And sometimes, it is good and bad at the same time! I also believe that those things we see as bad, are actually good, because they continue to help shape us into the people that we are. I wouldn't be who I am if not for all that I have experienced in my life....both good and bad!
reply by dakmom on May 16, 2012 3:14 AM ()

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