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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Randomness ... ... ...

Randomness ... ... ...

We're having an A/C saga here. The main unit in our RV quit blowing cold air. I cleaned the filter. No help. I talked Josh into getting on top of the trailer and cleaning it with the hose. No help. I got the repair guy out. He refilled the freon, said it was REALLY LOW! Ahhhhh! COLD air.....for about 3 hours. BOO! Had him come out again the next day....there is a freon leak clear up in the compressor, so need a new AC unit. Dealer had one in stock! We got it, the guy tried to install it and ran into wiring problems. (The new brand/wires don't match up with the old one!) It was getting late, so he said he'd come out the next day. He did......LATE afternoon. Wiring is still going to be an issue. But he brought a manual unit. He got the main part of it installed. The cover won't go on unless we remove a light. This is a temporary fix so we are living without the cover. We have cold air! The dealer is ordering a new unit that is the same brand as our old one. Hopefully that will work for us. It will be in sometime next week. So glad to have the temporary fix. 98-105 degrees is a bit warm to be trying to cool the whole trailer with just the bedroom ac unit!

After a year and a half, I'm STILL loving my Kindle! I do love to read, but living in a trailer makes it difficult to get and read books. Yes, I could go to a library, but finding time to get there, and then finding the time to take them back, is difficult with my work schedule. And I certainly don't have room to store any here. Speaking of storage and having room for stuff in here.....I found some reusable ice cubes at Bed Bath and Beyond this week. I think they will be great. They don't take up a lot of room like ice cube trays do. And what an interesting twist to a drink.....dark blue, medium blue, light blue and white "ice cubes"!

I'm hoping this darned job is going to wind down SOON! We are already TWO MONTHS past the completion date. Several more weeks until the contractor will finally get it finished. It is so frustrating for me. My son is waiting for us. He'll get married after we can get up there!

My grandson took his first steps alone on the day he was 9 months old....which was on May 8th. He's nearing 10 months now...he's walking more and more all the time. And he's a climber! In their house, there is no such thing as child-proofing "up to the next level".....that next level is the ceiling with that little monkey! Can't wait to see him again too. My son and his fiance are expecting a baby in December too. By their own calculation, Lisa is due on Dec. 28th....which just happens to be my birthday!

I'm going to whip up some queso for supper tonight. I think queso and tostitos is a great plan for supper while watching the MMA fights tonight! If anyone likes that sort of's a REALLY EASY recipe. Hmmmm....thinking of food, a nice pan of fresh hot brownies sounds great too! But I don't want to heat up the trailer (plus I don't have all the ingredients anyway! And THAT is a good thing! Because I'd eat the brownies when I shouldn't!)

Just bits of randomness from my little palace, currently located in the unshaven legs region of Texas!

posted on May 26, 2012 3:53 PM ()


Thank you Jane. Hopefully they'll get that new unit in early this week and get us fixed up right! It's been in the low 100's and high 90's here. Sure don't want to go thru the summer like this!
comment by dakmom on May 28, 2012 6:20 PM ()
Oh dear, it is hot as hell in Oklahoma and Texas and scheduled to get even
hotter. I hope you get A/C installed perfectly soon.
comment by elderjane on May 27, 2012 6:39 AM ()

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