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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Double Standards (Aka Hypocrisy) and Respect

Double Standards (Aka Hypocrisy) and Respect

I'm sure this will be considered extremely controversial content. Reader Beware!

Why is it that so many people, may I venture to say "most" people, feel so strongly that everything they say and think is absolute 100% truth and every single person in the world who disagrees with them is wrong? Obviously, we all believe what we believe and feel that everyone should agree with us. But I have always tried to keep an open mind and see the other side. There is rarely anything out there that is correct 100% of the time. I may not agree with your way of thinking, but I try to listen and use the information to broaden my own perspective...taking some of your view and some of mine, to formulate a new view. It doesn't always work that way, but it is what I strive to do. Sometimes my view is broadened. Sometimes my view is changed completely, and yet still other times, my view becomes more firmly entrenched. But at least I feel I did my best to keep an open mind.

I've already mentioned how much I hate election years. And I believe I might hate this election year....2012.....even more than any before. Why? Because there is so much bullshit going on, so many double standards and so much hypocrisy. The mudslinging and slanderous accusations from both sides are a disgrace to this great nation. Choose any television station, or any newspaper or any reporting will find that for those who are pro-Barack Obama, absolutely every negative thing said about him is false, complete and utter lies, and that his halo of perfection needs to be polished so that everyone will see it. You will also find that for those who are pro-Mitt Romney, absolutely every negative thing said about him is false, complete and utter lies, and that his halo of perfection needs to be polished so that everyone will see it. I see a very clear parallel here. It does NOT matter one iota which person you are in support of, most people feel that their candidate is lily white and pure and is being misrepresented and smeared and tarnished and drug through the mud, and taken out of context and everything they have ever done was right and perfect (okay, well maybe not exactly lily white and pure, but you get the idea here)...... and the other guy is a worthless piece of shit.

I agree with the thought that the office of President of the United States of America is both an honor and a privilege and should be respected. Period. One thing I just can't help but shake my head at though, is the double standards that are so prevalent. Take George Clooney, yes, the actor, for example. Mr. Clooney insists, when he is asked a question about "Obama" that it is not "Obama" is "President Obama", and yet it was this same George Clooney who said "The problem is we elected a manager, we need a leader. Let's face it: Bush is just dim." Excuse me, shouldn't that be "President Bush"? Why does President Obama command the respect of being called President Obama, and yet Mr. Clooney obviously felt it was just fine for him to refer to the sitting president as just plain "Bush". You can't have it both ways Mr. Clooney. At least not and have your point of view carry much weight. If you want to refer to our previous President as "Bush", then by all means, broaden your mind to accept that there are those who are going to refer to our current President as "Obama". And quit making it into something that it is not.

We are to give due honor and respect to the "man(or woman) in the office"....calling them Mr. President or Madam President, or President Obama, etc. I'd really like to see our President and the First Lady give the same honor and respect to their roles as President and First Lady. Really? Did they honestly go on a television show like Late Night with David Letterman and do the Top 10 Countdown? Seriously? The President of the United States and the First Lady doing this? I'm sorry, but if the President of the United States wants to be honored and respected, then they also need to honor and respect the office that they hold. In my humble opinion, this behavior is making a mockery of the office of The President. I can imagine the public outcry if President Bush or First Lady Laura Bush had done that. They would have been blasted in the media for their lack of respect for their roles as President and First Lady of the United States of America.

So.....President Obama is being misquoted, misunderstood, misrepresented, and basically just being lied about all the time by his opposition. Well guess what? All of those same things are being done in regards to Mitt Romney. I'd say at least half....maybe more like three quarters.....of what is said about either candidate is so slanted and twisted and turned every which way, and very often are just outright lies. Everything wrong with the world today is the fault of President George W Bush, and everything going right is to the credit of President Barack Obama. Just like when George Bush took office.....everything bad was blamed on President Clinton and everything good was credited to President Bush. That is how this twisted system seems to work. I say that from this point forward, there needs to be a standard set, which is that whomever is in office AND whomever is running for office....they can only talk about what they have done, and what they plan to do. Not ONE SINGLE WORD about "the other guy or gal".

I know that we will never be able to eliminate the double standards and hypocrisy that prevails today, but I do not have to like it, or agree with it. I will just state clearly, people who live by double standards and are just outright hypocrites, your opinions and views carry no weight in my world. Save your breath, because I'm not listening to you anymore.

posted on June 7, 2012 9:20 AM ()


I agree heartily with Kitchen Tales. It is just politics...get over it!
comment by elderjane on June 11, 2012 1:08 PM ()
Well put!
comment by jerms on June 9, 2012 7:29 PM ()
Thank you!
reply by dakmom on June 10, 2012 9:14 AM ()
Somehow, and maybe it has always been this way, but I don't think it has, the presidency in general has started to be disrespected. I think it started with Bill Clinton; he was smart and all, but his term was tarnished by his lying about his personal life. Then we got the simpering clown - that didn't help. I didn't start out thinking he was a fool, he proved it to me over time.

And now all the red necks hate Barack Obama just because he's black, and they will never acknowledge that he can contribute anything, so they have done their best to see that nothing he tries to do will succeed just on that basis. I always have high hopes that everyone will try to get along better, regardless of who gets elected this year.
comment by kitchentales on June 8, 2012 12:42 PM ()
Very true! And I can't help but think of that saying (in regards to your comments about Bill Clinton)......better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt! LOL
reply by dakmom on June 8, 2012 1:11 PM ()
Well said and very true.
comment by larryb on June 7, 2012 12:35 PM ()
Thank you, Larry. It's too bad our political system was allowed to become what it is today. All I can do is let out a really big *SIGH* LOL
reply by dakmom on June 7, 2012 12:41 PM ()
Politics, the last refuge of scoundrels and pathological liars, is all about hypocrisy. That's why it exists, to give the liars and scoundrels careers.
comment by hobbie on June 7, 2012 10:13 AM ()
I like that! What would all those liars and scoundrels do for careers if they didn't have politics. I hadn't thought of it that way, but I LIKE IT!!
reply by dakmom on June 7, 2012 11:10 AM ()

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