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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Twirl Once ... ..Or Maybe Twice!

Twirl Once ... ..Or Maybe Twice!

Awhile back, I was looking through one of those "Wal-Martians" emails that I seem to get so often. One of the pictures was titled "Twirl Once" was a "rearview" picture...a woman's derriere. She was attractively attired in a pretty, yellow dress. If I remember correctly, she was bending over, reaching for a product located on the bottom shelf. There, for all the world to see, were her "Smiley Face" panties, showing through the yellow dress. I had a similar experience at Walmart this morning. A young woman, dressed in white t-shirt knit-like pants.... proudly pushing her cart through the store. As she walked past me, I glanced over, only to see that she was also wearing bikini panties with purple and hot pink flowers and swirls. My mind instantly jumped to wanting to quietly say to her "Twirl once.....or maybe twice!"

Now, before any of you start the jump on me, about judging people, I did not see this particular event as a testimony to the woman or her character. It was just a fashion slip. I will admit, we all "judge" people and their character by what we see. For example, seeing a woman I do not know, strolling through Walmart or any other place, with clothing on that....well, she might as well NOT have on because she is all but falling out of it...that does cause me to wonder about her character...dress like a hooker, I'm probably going to think you are a hooker! Here we are.....a post about twirling has turned to judgment! I think I need a whole 'nother post on judgment. So back to twirling.....Honestly, the gal with the purple and hot pink flowers and swirls panties probably didn't even think about it, let alone know that she was showing the world her panties, although she thought they were well concealed under her pants. I do not know who this woman is...have never seen her before in my life. I am not saying "She is such a nice woman, so blah, blah, blah, BUT she shows off her undies!" thus dropping her down a few notches. I'm just saying that it was a moment for me.....a reminder, so to speak, to look in the mirror once in awhile. And to always keep in mind that others WILL judge me by the way I am dressed. I guess if I'm going to make a fashion faux paux, the Smiley Face panties showing through a yellow dress might just bring a smile to someone's face! Unless I remember to Twirl Once.....or Maybe TWICE!

posted on May 26, 2012 5:13 PM ()


There is nothing like getting a second opinion by looking in a full length mirror.
comment by nittineedles on May 28, 2012 3:23 PM ()
I remember in high school, a girl had on a pair of red double knit pants, the kind that pretty much cling to your every curve, wrinkle and crinkle, and she had on bikini panties that were a bit too tight. Those pants showed every bulge.
reply by dakmom on May 28, 2012 6:25 PM ()
I was wondering what you're doing looking at womens' rear ends, but then I suppose that underwear just screamed out and caught your eye.
comment by troutbend on May 27, 2012 12:57 PM ()
As she went past me, she turned her cart, so she was pretty much right in front of me. It was hard not to notice. It's not that I was checking out another woman's rear end! Just one of those views you couldn't miss!
reply by dakmom on May 28, 2012 6:23 PM ()
Oh dear, I will check myself out next time I wear white pants.
comment by elderjane on May 27, 2012 6:35 AM ()
That's what I took from the experience too......take a good look, especially when wearing light colored pants!
reply by dakmom on May 28, 2012 6:21 PM ()
comment by jondude on May 26, 2012 6:33 PM ()
Thanks Jon!
reply by dakmom on May 26, 2012 8:19 PM ()

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