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Life As I See It

Life As I See It > Dakmom's Comments

Dakmom's Comments

I'd definitely report that biting dog....AND it's owner! Some people just seem to think that pet ownership is something that they can take lightly....and then "blame it on the dog (or cat)". Nope..that's not how it works. Glad you were okay. Don't envy you the attic work. Not something I would be jumping up and down all excitedly about doing! Stay cool!!
Comment on Setting Records Straight - June 11, 2012 5:59 AM ()
I lived in Florida for 4 years, and I do agree there are "seasons". People that don't live there don't see it.....but that's their loss! Love the crepe myrtle!!
Comment on We Do Have Seasons in Florida--it is Spring Now - June 11, 2012 5:54 AM ()
I hope the fires stay far from your doors! As far as preparing, get the important stuff packed into tubs or some such thing, and have them ready to grab and throw in the vehicles. Most "things" are just that...things. But the important stuff needs to be ready to grab quickly. (Speaking from experience, dealing with hurricanes in past years.) I know that if you wait to get things ready, as you head out, or get several miles from home you'll be saying "Oh no! I should have grabbed ......" Love and hugs from the Unshaven Legs of Texas!
Comment on Big Fire in the Area - June 11, 2012 5:50 AM ()
I just recently came back to blogging, and currently blog here and on blogster. I've been wondering about this site....seems to be very little commentary on posts. I figured it was that many of mine have been a bit controversial lately and people just don't want to comment. I don't know. I DO know that I have questioned whether to continue here. Think I'll stick around a bit longer and see how it goes. Happy Monday!
Comment on Down Time - June 11, 2012 5:46 AM ()
I may have to see if it's available on Kindle....that's where all my books are! My mom was diagnosed with MS when she was about 60. For many years prior to that, they thought she was suffering from "post polio syndrome". So hers was a rather late diagnosis. She died in 2003. I will say, she was one of the fortunate ones who had MS. She did not have any associated "pain syndrome" with it and hers was a slowly progressing type. She ended up in a care center, because she fell, hit her head so hard on one side that she fractured her skull on the other side, and from that point on, she could not even turn herself over in bed anymore. Up to that point, she had lived alone in a small apartment. Thanks for the recommendation! And I'm glad you find time to you need to work on the sleeping! LOL
Comment on A Sundog Moment - June 11, 2012 5:44 AM ()
I have never watched Casablanca.....And I could generate a rather LONG list of other "classic" movies that I have never seen. I agree, as time goes on, our tastes do change. Along with that, who we are with also changes and that can make a difference. There are so many good movies I have just recently watched. I hadn't watched them before because if the title of the movie gave even the slightest hint of being "a chic flick", then my ex wouldn't even consider watching it. Now, my sweetie is one who loves movies and there is no such thing as "a chic flick". LOVE IT! LOVE HIM!!
Comment on Me and Casablanca - June 9, 2012 6:39 AM ()
I could write a blog about "lists".....sometime I might just do that. Guess I'll put it on my To-Do list......HA HA HA! Great post!
Comment on Life Lesson #6 - June 9, 2012 6:33 AM ()
What a beautiful place to live AND share with others! Thanks for posting and for the pictures! GORGEOUS!!
Comment on The Neighbors - June 8, 2012 1:51 PM ()
That's funny! And what an excellent way to shut the man up!
Comment on Good One - Cell Phones - June 8, 2012 1:47 PM ()
I get frustrated by negativity. I am the eternal optimist.....and always (well almost always) choose to seek the silver lining in those clouds of doubt. When I encounter a negative person, I try my best to brighten their world and help them to see things in a newer, brighter light. When they refuse, I dismiss myself. It is truly their loss.....and they obviously don't know what they're missing! (I was married to a pretty negative man for 25 years.....I know a lot about it, unfortunately! LOL)
Comment on Don't Ask Why--just Be and Do - June 8, 2012 1:44 PM ()
An exciting and perfect piece in your puzzle called LIFE! Where would we be without all those little pieces? And some just have a lot more shine to them than others do! Great memory! Thanks for sharing Jon!!
Comment on Ray Bradbury ... - June 8, 2012 3:53 AM ()
I'm not much of a cat woman....but those are some pretty cats! Honestly, I don't mind them so much at other people's houses....just don't want any of my own. I LOVE dogs, but am past wanting to have one around to take care of all the time. I really love my freedom to do as I please, when I please. Hope all went well with the trip to the vet!
Comment on Dokter Place Day ... - June 1, 2012 1:11 PM ()
I have noticed that! I think they wear it all the time...although I have no idea why! I also haven't ever figured out women who show theirs off too. I don't want to wear that, let alone show it off!
Comment on Terminology Change ... ... . - May 31, 2012 8:14 PM ()
Excellent way to look at it! Pretty much what I try to do as well. We have no idea what people have gone through in their lives. Thanks for reading! <3
Comment on What is Judgment? - May 31, 2012 9:22 AM ()
Thank you Jane. Hopefully they'll get that new unit in early this week and get us fixed up right! It's been in the low 100's and high 90's here. Sure don't want to go thru the summer like this!
Comment on Randomness ... ... ... - May 28, 2012 6:20 PM ()

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