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Entertainment > Movies > Me and Casablanca

Me and Casablanca

It’s been cold and rainy here in the Valley for the past several days.
Not wanting to spend a lot of time outdoors, I’ve turned back to inside interests along with the occasional fire in the woodstove.
In June? you might ask; hell yeah! I’m thankful to have so much dry wood leftover to burn now!
There’s nothing like it.
Finishing my major housecleaning (yay!), tunes blasting or not, some cooking, reading, watching the different kinds of finches flocking to the feeders, feasting and making a big mess, chasing raccoons from the tree, napping etc., enjoying my house and home has been the general order of the day.
Last evening, as I heard the rain lashing on my tin roof, I felt restless and knew that sudoku and crossword puzzling in front of the tv just wasn’t going to cut it.
Maybe a movie?
I have a good collection of both VHS and DVD’s and a player that plays them.
Looking over them I saw a few I had collected and hoped to watch – someday.
Well, tonight was that “someday.”
I chose Casablanca.
Now wait a minute. You’re thinking, “she’s never seen THAT?”
Well honestly, no – not from start to finish – bit’s and pieces, but not in it’s entirety.
The tape had a 40 minute intro by various famous people singing praises of it’s fabulousness.
Finally, the movie began.
My first impression was of how much I loved black and white films. There’s something about them that heightens the drama.
So, I watched and was transfixed with the scenery/sets, the actors, the humour, the one-liners, the high drama, the story in general, the music and most of all –the romance!
How utterly awesome!
I’ll watch it again –soon.
I could sit here and go on and on about it but I won’t.
Most of you probably have already seen it and are signing, “oh boy . . . .”
However, as time goes by, our tastes for most things change and if I’d have watched it sooner than now, probably wouldn’t have been as receptive or appreciative.
Being a lover of 40’s music, I ordered the original music soundtrack (digitally remastered of course!) so I can play it again and remember those glorious days and nights in Paris, which I’ll always have . .
So, did I like the movie?
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship!
Here’s lookin’ at you kid . . . .

posted on June 4, 2012 6:10 AM ()


I have never watched Casablanca.....And I could generate a rather LONG list of other "classic" movies that I have never seen. I agree, as time goes on, our tastes do change. Along with that, who we are with also changes and that can make a difference. There are so many good movies I have just recently watched. I hadn't watched them before because if the title of the movie gave even the slightest hint of being "a chic flick", then my ex wouldn't even consider watching it. Now, my sweetie is one who loves movies and there is no such thing as "a chic flick". LOVE IT! LOVE HIM!!
comment by dakmom on June 9, 2012 6:39 AM ()
Sorry,that you have not heard about the movie.It was the top picture of the year.
It is a silent movie in black and white and so very well done.
I know that you will like this.The actors I am not sure of the name.But you google it and find out and it is a good movie.
comment by fredo on June 6, 2012 1:16 PM ()
I, for one, have never seen all of Casablanca. I tried once, but quit after about 30'. Guess I'm just not a movie person. But I like the music. And, I like your style. Fun post!
comment by solitaire on June 6, 2012 5:15 AM ()
Maybe, like me, you're not ready to see it. When & if you ever are, I think you might enjoy it. It isn't all mush & lovey dovey - there's WWII going on at the time & that makes it exciting.
Hope everything is going good in your neck of the woods Randy
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:46 AM ()
A wonderful classic. The music was to die for!
comment by elderjane on June 5, 2012 4:23 AM ()
Can't wait until I get the soundtrack !! xxx
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:49 AM ()
Better late than never to see the whole movie. Myself, I've never seen "Born Free."

I would have skipped the introduction, wanting to see Casablanca and form my own conclusions about how wonderful it is, and then gone back and watched them singing all the praises. I think I have that same soundtrack - it was the gift at a Las Vegas slot tournament with a Casablanca theme.
comment by troutbend on June 4, 2012 12:20 PM ()
That's pretty much what I did. Patience isn't one of my best virtues lol xxx
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:47 AM ()
we need heat.It has been rainy for quite some time and lot of major flooding is happening.Some snow up in the hills that I heard.Weird.everything is weird.I am weirdOne of the best movie of all time.Did you see the Artist.This was done in black and white.
comment by fredo on June 4, 2012 11:06 AM ()
No, havent' seen The Artist yet. Who stars in it Fredo? Let me know xxx
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:48 AM ()
It was the finches that were feasting and making a big mess...not you....right?
comment by nittineedles on June 4, 2012 9:49 AM ()
goldfinches, purple finches!!!! gonna spend a fortune on seed this summer!!! and yes, they're sooo messy - have to sweep the side porch each morning - the racoons & chipmunks clean the ground out back for me . . . xxx
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:52 AM ()
We need to have heat here too. I just began cutting next year's wood, but I'm burning oil instead. Why mess up a nice clean insert for a quick burn. Hopefully back to normal--70s--by the end of the week! But I agree, wood is the best!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 4, 2012 6:35 AM ()
I had cleaned out the airtight as well but the heat was worth firing it up again! We usually don't have much wood left to burn in the Spring but did this year. It's kindling that's at a premium right now!! Whatever . . just thankful to have the stove when it's chilly & wet out. xxx
reply by blogsterella on June 6, 2012 5:55 AM ()
"You must remember this... a kiss is just a kiss..."
comment by jondude on June 4, 2012 6:21 AM ()
"and a sigh is just a sigh . . ."
reply by blogsterella on June 4, 2012 8:29 AM ()

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