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Home & Garden > What's Bloomin' ?

What's Bloomin' ?

Hi, don't know about you folks but I've been so busy lately. Must be the time of the year, ay?
Spent the long Canadian Victoria Day weekend (4 days)at the cottage with the family and had a great time.
Sunning, almost swimming (the water is still pretty cold!), boating, pontooning, reading & visiting - good times, good times! Oh! and eating - of course!
It felt good coming home again too.
I couldn't believe how much the gardens and grass had grown in just 4 days!
I've been cutting grass and planting annuals in planters & I bought a few hanging baskets to put out the front & back of the house - nice!
Expecting some rain this afternoon so I'll put off weeding & thinning the perennials until tomorrow.

I'm feeling exceptionally "light" these days.
In six weeks, I've unloaded 15lbs off of this meat suit of mine - very proud of myself!
I have 5lbs more to go to reach my goal.
I tried on a bathing suit back in March and said 'no way will I be caught dead looking like this on the beach!'
I'm so vain . . .
But I have to report that I'm feeling so much better - I feel like I'm flying up the stairs these days and I don't get winded when I walk up the church hill to the library.
Plus, my blood pressure is the best it's been in awhile.
I keep envisioning 15lbs of butter or lard on the kitchen table or a 10lb bag of potatoes and 5lbs of butter . . . that's a lot to carry!!
Anyway, I've lost the bulk of the weight but I'm determined to lose another 5lbs then see what I look like.
If a "woddle" starts happening under the old chin, I'll know it's time to stop!
Enough of that.

Here are a few shots I took this morning of things blooming/flowering - the first two taken at the cottage, the rest around the house.
If you know the names of them, good for you.
Shine on xxx

Lady's slipper

Columbine (?)

Bleeding heart (?)

I don't know - what is it?


Locust bean (filled with bees right now!)

(blurry) Lily-of-the-Valley


Spirea - Bridal wreath (do I get a gold star for that?)

Bearded iris

Pretty blue flowers

posted on May 25, 2012 8:38 AM ()


verah cool pics. its getting busy here in Cow Snot too. The shank of the tourist season is beginning and the ijits are beginning to make major pains of themselves.

yer and its a month til Rodeo Days pal
comment by honeybugg on May 31, 2012 9:38 AM ()
What beautiful photos. When I was a kid we called the "Columbine (?)" Honeysuckles and would suck the sweetness out of the knobby ends.
comment by nittineedles on May 28, 2012 2:59 PM ()
I checked on-line & I'm pretty sure these little gems are wild columbine. However, I looked at honeysuckle too and they are very similiar! Thanks for your comments! xxx
reply by blogsterella on May 29, 2012 6:09 AM ()
First, congrats on the weight loss!! Keep after it. Lovely photos. You have many of the same species I have. I love flowers. Take care.
comment by solitaire on May 26, 2012 7:32 AM ()
Thanks Randy, I feel so much better. Still have a few more lbs. to lose yet but I'm determined! I love flowers too but you know, with all I have, which I love, I still miss those days of growing my own vegetables . . . really miss that.
reply by blogsterella on May 26, 2012 1:15 PM ()
Love is in Bloom.
comment by fredo on May 26, 2012 6:37 AM ()
You are a month behind us horticulturaly. I had a nice squash yesterday and
ate it all by myself. Aren't gardens a delight!
comment by elderjane on May 25, 2012 4:22 PM ()
Lucky lady! Yes, the spring/summers here are shorter than I remember when I lived closer to Lake Ontario & on the Niagara Peninsula. However, it's still an absolute joy when things warm up, green up & start to grow up wherever you are!!
Keep well xxx
reply by blogsterella on May 26, 2012 7:01 AM ()
Where is the photo of the place the 15 pounds used to be?
comment by jondude on May 25, 2012 9:23 AM ()
you wee bugger!!
reply by blogsterella on May 25, 2012 2:02 PM ()
Look at you, all skinny! Congratulations.

Definitely columbine and bleeding heart. The blue flowers at the end are forget me nots.
comment by troutbend on May 25, 2012 8:58 AM ()
Hell yeah! I can see my knees again!!
reply by blogsterella on May 25, 2012 2:03 PM ()
wow!nice shots of the flowers there.Yes the purple is an allium have them in my garden.
comment by fredo on May 25, 2012 8:50 AM ()
Glad you like the pictures! Seems every year I get surprised by something popping up that I didn't see the year before!! This year it's allium!!
reply by blogsterella on May 25, 2012 2:05 PM ()
Keep right on blooming!
The round purple flower is an allium.
comment by marta on May 25, 2012 8:44 AM ()
Thanks Sweetpea! Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods xxx
reply by blogsterella on May 25, 2012 2:06 PM ()

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