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Life As I See It

Life As I See It > Dakmom's Comments

Dakmom's Comments

I am working on researching my family and Slickster's. It is indeed interesting. There are dead ends. And then of course, the Federal Law protecting privacy for 72 years puts a real wrench in the monkey! They have just released the 1940 census. I need some information much more recent than that too. *SIGH*
Comment on Discovering My Heritage - May 19, 2012 1:33 PM ()
I'm an ancestry user as well. Researching my family history and that of Slickster's family. My dad's family is shrouded in some mystery. His mother immigrated from East Germany around 1909. They "Americanized" their last name, and totally wiped out their East German heritage. There was to be no speaking all. My cousin (my dad's brother's daughter) has some information. We are going to compare notes soon. I hope that she has information that will show a bit more of the family history. I can't find where Grandma came into Ellis Island, but I can find her brothers. Interesting! Good luck in your search. It is fun and frustrating, all at the same time! <3
Comment on More Family Tree - May 19, 2012 1:20 PM ()
Hello Barb! I read your profile description, and could see a bit of myself in it. I met my soul-mate in 2001. We've been together since 2003. So I was 42 when we officially met, 44 when we discovered our true destiny! I never, EVER imagined I would meet the man of my dreams, especially at that age! Just goes to show that good things come to those who wait!
Comment on Life in Paradise, Ca. - May 19, 2012 1:14 PM ()
That's the problem.....I'm NOT already friends with them on mybloggers. But I want to find them.....I knew them by their previous persona. And when I was gone for so long, they morphed into their new being. Now I can't go "find" them. I need a Search feature, one that is working, since the one on the home page doesn't work.
Comment on Find a Friend ... ... - May 12, 2012 12:47 PM ()
The homestead is looking great!!
Comment on Getting Too Lazy to Type (Video Blog) - May 12, 2012 7:58 AM ()
Comment on Harmless Stuff ... - May 12, 2012 7:49 AM ()
I laugh, almost uncontrollably, every time I hear "the end of the world will be on........" We are a world filled with Chicken Little.....the sky is falling the sky is falling! [LOL} What does the Lutein do? (I can go look it up....just thought I'd ask someone who is trying it.)
Comment on Gay Times ... - May 12, 2012 7:46 AM ()
I know that ads seem to be a necessary evil. I try my bestest to just ignore them. Funny one I had today on Facebook.....and couldn't resist commenting about: How to permanently get rid of your cellulit. Yes...that is how it was spelled. Cellulit? I pondered aloud (FB post) as to what cellulit is. Then decided to explain that I had figured it out.....they are showing you that they will get rid of cellulite forever, one letter at a time. I'm watching for when it changes to How to permanently get rid of your celluli. ROFLMAO
Comment on Jesus Ad? ... - May 10, 2012 2:24 PM ()
I do, on occasion, go back and read blog pals posts....but not for the purpose of brooding, etc. That person needs obviously has issues. And as far as I'm concerned, a blog is a place to write down thoughts.....if they don't like it, then maybe they shouldn't read your posts! I know you won't let them "put you in your place!" You are in your place by choice and ain't no one gonna put you anywhere else!!
Comment on A Little of This and That - May 3, 2012 11:54 AM ()
I've tried many different angles trying to stop this affliction. I've decided that about the only thing that will help is to find a house with no flat surfaces....all counter tops, tables, etc will be curved, so that all of my "stuff" just falls off! I seem to be better at keeping the floor cleaned up. I do have to say though, my stuff just "looks" messy....I can usually tell you exactly what is in each stack!!
Comment on Me and My Fsa - May 3, 2012 2:55 AM ()
Comment on Doobie on My Shoulder ... - Dec 29, 2011 4:44 AM ()
Great post Angie. I've heard that it was not by George Carlin, but I still think it is great food for thought.
Comment on Sunday Morning Thoughts - June 13, 2008 3:41 PM ()
(((HUG)))(((HUG)))(((HUG)))Talk to us Don! Let us know what's happening. We're all here for ya!
Comment on This is Only a Test - June 13, 2008 9:40 AM ()
Okay Janet - now you're going against your were just gonna blog about the period....and then you had to start talking about the freaking mouse. I HATE MICE too. I won't even empty one out of a trap after it's been caught....always had a fear that the little sucker would come back to life. Then several years ago, we caught one, square across his neck and yet he flipped and flopped all over my kitchen. That little bastard was still alive! EEK!!!!! I'll go check out Don's blog....I haven't been around much lately...been spending my time with my sweet love, the Slick One!
(Oh, and I won't rub it in or anything, but 'Mona' doesn't come to visit me anymore......nope, I slammed that fricking door shut almost 4 years ago!)
Comment on Mona in Da House - June 13, 2008 9:39 AM ()
Sometimes it seems like when it rains, it pours! Hopefully they'll get things fixed up for you with the surgery and you'll be good as new. Hugs to ya!
Comment on Guess What I Found Out Thursday? - June 13, 2008 9:33 AM ()

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