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More Family Tree

A month ago I wrote that I had joined to do a little family history research. The other night I spent an hour and a half on the phone with the cousin that I thought I had not seen for 60 years. It turns out that he and his new bride came to visit my mother and me in 1961. He met and married his wife in Rome when he was in the Air Force so when they came back to the US they traveled around for her to meet the relatives and we were on the tour. When I think about it, I barely remember that visit but the cousin does. We had a great visit on the phone. There are only four of the ten cousins still living and he has been in contact with the three remaining. We agreed that it is sad when the family members die and there is no one left to reminisce with. Another cousin's son also is doing a lot of family research and is writing a book about the Irish side of the family. He has 300 photos on his family tree, many of them of my mother when she was a child and a young adult that I have never seen before. She was a flapper and taught two of my older cousins how to do the Charleston and the Black Bottom. She was born in 1900 and died in 1982. I still miss her and think of her so often when I have questions about different things. I always say I wish I could ask my mother-she would know. My daughter now tells my grandsons to ask Grandma (me) when they have questions. They think I know everything. I don't discourage this fallacy. Another of the pictures is of a log cabin that a great, great, great grandfather built in the early 1800s. It is still standing near Quincy, IL. This side of the family came from Germany, landing in New Orleans and came up the Mississippi River to settle Adams County, IL.

posted on May 11, 2012 12:54 PM ()


I'm an ancestry user as well. Researching my family history and that of Slickster's family. My dad's family is shrouded in some mystery. His mother immigrated from East Germany around 1909. They "Americanized" their last name, and totally wiped out their East German heritage. There was to be no speaking all. My cousin (my dad's brother's daughter) has some information. We are going to compare notes soon. I hope that she has information that will show a bit more of the family history. I can't find where Grandma came into Ellis Island, but I can find her brothers. Interesting! Good luck in your search. It is fun and frustrating, all at the same time! <3
comment by dakmom on May 19, 2012 1:20 PM ()
I love family stories. I have some I need to tell my children about the
incredible strength of family during the depression.
comment by elderjane on May 13, 2012 7:15 AM ()
I am more interested in the generations past-how they got here and why they came.
comment by boots586 on May 12, 2012 2:15 PM ()
There is no 'history' beyond my grandparents who came here from (mother's side) Russia and (father's side) England.
reply by greatmartin on May 12, 2012 3:34 PM ()
Cool! Not only do we regret the passing of our family members, we regret never questioning them about their ancestry. I'm sure my grandfather/mother could have talked about their grandparents. If only I'd asked. Or, if only they had written stuff down! How difficult is that?
comment by solitaire on May 12, 2012 4:44 AM ()
I tell my children and grandchildren family stories that I remember. They may be sick of hearing me go on about the past now, although they haven't told me to stop. Maybe sometime in the future they will be grateful.
reply by boots586 on May 12, 2012 2:14 PM ()
Honestly I don't want to meet any of my family--I 'divorced' them when I was 16--I know some of my family history--actually enough--I much prefer the family I made!
comment by greatmartin on May 11, 2012 5:37 PM ()
Sorry, reply went up.
reply by boots586 on May 12, 2012 2:16 PM ()

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