Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Harmless Stuff ...

Harmless Stuff ...

Chewable vitamins. Great idea.

Irradiated super-homogenized half and half in half-gallon containers.

Plastic snap-on lids for cat food cans.

Mute button on the TV remote.

2X liquid laundry detergent.

All good time-saving/or/comfort-bringing ideas.


I have had a serious pain in my right rib area, lower ribs, but I think it is more internal because pressing on the rib cage doesn't bring pain. I am going to have it checked today because it is very debillitating now. I got about two hours sleep last night. Couldn't lie in any position without triggering more pain. I didn't do anything to cause it. No lifting, etc. Mystery.


I sure miss Hobbes Fattytail. After this big art guild even on June 10th (I am event coordinator) I will begin writing BEING HOBBES FATTYTAIL, which will be the story of the cat and his human, the blogs, and the facets of the friendship, including the alter ego element, the friends all over the world, and eventually the loss and the vacuum of the aftermath. And anything else I can scrape up from his 6 years with me.


This has been a long Spring. It started in what usually is a very cold and drab February and was drawn out for two months. Now it is back to normal, if there ever is such a condition in weather. The other shoe drops with the advent of tornado season, already here in parts of the country.


I feel so much more comfortable now that I have used the remote to block ALL the political TV channels. The first one was FOX. That was last year. Then I declared balance and snapped away MSNBC, and finally I deleted CNN. I get most of my "news" off BBC America on the web, with spurts from the local very conservative newspaper, local channels 6 o'clock news, and the bartender down at T.J.'s. I want to subscribe to the Cleveland Plain Dealer to balance the local paper, but the cost has to come down and they really want subscribers so I am waiting for a deal.

I do subscribe to TIME Magazine and have since the early 1970s. I think I am paying something like 39 bucks a year. That is a real deal.


I am off cigarettes again so I can raise cash for getting the two little kitties out back into bags and over to the vet for spay and neuter, shots, etc. Sacrifice works sometimes, but I know I will probably walk into the Marathon gas station again sometime and buy a couple packs of Camel Blues. It is a tougher habit that cleaning up from heroin or meth. That's what they tell me.

posted on May 12, 2012 5:50 AM ()


Quitting smoking is easy. I do it three or four times a year.
comment by jondude on May 14, 2012 9:03 AM ()
I am looking forward to your book. I think it will help you and could be
a big achievement. Go see a doctor and don't take chances with your health.
comment by elderjane on May 13, 2012 7:08 AM ()
My SIL quit smoking when she was pregnant 20 years ago with my first niece. She also thought she'd go back to smoking, but I reminded her that she didn't have to make a decision about that for months. Obviously, since I'm telling the story, she never went back.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 12, 2012 12:22 PM ()
Could be your gall bladder. The location is right. I have gall stones, but they only bother me every now and then. They will probably get worse, and I have to have my gall bladder removed. However, it's a simple laproscopic procedure now done on an outpatient basis. Not bad at all.
comment by redimpala on May 12, 2012 9:56 AM ()
I had g.b. removal in the 60s when it was major surgery. Those were golden moments.
reply by tealstar on May 13, 2012 6:21 AM ()
Guess we can rule out gallbladder then!!
reply by redimpala on May 12, 2012 12:42 PM ()
I had gallbladder laparoscopic surgery two years ago April.
reply by jondude on May 12, 2012 11:56 AM ()
I think that the older that we get we will be mostly in some kind of pain.
Not that one.
comment by fredo on May 12, 2012 9:49 AM ()
My chain smoking Uncle Robert tried to quit smoking a time or two in his life, but now that he's 80, he thinks if he stops his body will rebel and he'll get sick and die. I hope your rib pain isn't a case of that.
comment by troutbend on May 12, 2012 8:51 AM ()
Probably the arthritis.
reply by jondude on May 12, 2012 8:59 AM ()
comment by marta on May 12, 2012 8:01 AM ()
comment by dakmom on May 12, 2012 7:49 AM ()
I hope all goes well with the pain in your body.... It is so much easier to heal than the rest. It sounds like you are doing a bit better though and I am sending you kitty hugs from Miss Macey.
comment by hennaladykim on May 12, 2012 7:40 AM ()
Time Mag is a conservative mag. Newsweek leans center/left. MSNBC gives air time to conservatives. Fox News does not. British/foreign stations often blame the U.S. for all the world's ills. We can do little to impress them.

Ed's back to smoking after 10 months off. The brain doesn't seem to factor in.

The story of Hobbes will help you through. It is a sad time.
comment by tealstar on May 12, 2012 6:41 AM ()
TIME is not really conservative anymore. Occasionally the have a one-page columnist who is, and I ignore reading it. (Krauthammer)
reply by jondude on May 12, 2012 8:25 AM ()

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