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This Oughta Be Good

Home & Garden > Big Fire in the Area

Big Fire in the Area

There is a fast-moving wildfire that grew from 50 acres to 8000 in 24 hours, fueled by beetle-killed trees and driven by winds.

Approximately 16 homes have been destroyed. Listening to the police scanner, many of the current firefighters live in that area so they talk about going home to get food and then back to the fire.

This is the area that is burning, taken in better times:

Here is the overnight fire map creating using satellites to sense the heat. I don't know what the different colors mean, but I think the yellow is where it has been, the lighter red is burning, and the dark red is the explosive front of it.

The cold front that came through last night has dropped today's temperature forecast from the 90s to the 70s. The relative humidity is around 11 - 14%.

This particular fire isn't headed this way, but conditions around us remain very hazardous and it's very windy for this time of year. We're reading all the what-to-do lists and talking about preparation.

Our metal roof project is supposed to start Thursday, none too soon.

posted on June 10, 2012 7:53 AM ()


I hope the fires stay far from your doors! As far as preparing, get the important stuff packed into tubs or some such thing, and have them ready to grab and throw in the vehicles. Most "things" are just that...things. But the important stuff needs to be ready to grab quickly. (Speaking from experience, dealing with hurricanes in past years.) I know that if you wait to get things ready, as you head out, or get several miles from home you'll be saying "Oh no! I should have grabbed ......" Love and hugs from the Unshaven Legs of Texas!
comment by dakmom on June 11, 2012 5:50 AM ()
Our monsoon rains came and put out the fires, but I need to take your advice and get my things organized for a quick evacuation because one never knows. I keep saying I'm going to get it done in September. We'll see!
reply by troutbend on Aug 30, 2012 10:56 PM ()
I worry so much about the people and their houses. Before the woods were inhabited by people, I think forest fires were a natural cleansing thing. Now, it's just dangerous for the people who live near there. Stay safe.
comment by jerms on June 10, 2012 9:07 PM ()
That's the big controversy because the naturally-caused fires are good for the health of the forest, and they still have controlled burns (except one got out of control near Denver this spring and three homeowners died) but with all the influx of homes into the woods, any fire is a catastrophe. The fire is now 20,000 acres (in only 2 days) and I'm shocked at how wide an area has been evacuated - people who never dreamt they would be threatened by a fire.
reply by kitchentales on June 10, 2012 9:22 PM ()
Fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, just can't beat the weather..
comment by jjoohhnn on June 10, 2012 5:38 PM ()
If you get a minute, take a look at my other post:

Travels in Utah!
reply by troutbend on June 11, 2012 3:24 AM ()
True dat. We usually get a monsoon season - a little rain every afternoon, and are hoping real hard it comes this year, and soon. But no lightning.
reply by kitchentales on June 10, 2012 9:25 PM ()
That fire was on the news. Glad you are safe.
comment by boots586 on June 10, 2012 1:12 PM ()
I figured I should let you all know what's going on here because you'd hear about it and wonder.
reply by troutbend on June 10, 2012 1:21 PM ()
Fires are dangerous things!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 10, 2012 8:17 AM ()
The more we read about wrapping the house in mylar and/or spraying it with retardant ($300 for a gallon) the less prepared we feel. We're amateurs at this.
reply by troutbend on June 10, 2012 1:22 PM ()

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