Last night the fox was here about dusk for a quick snack and just managed to load two pieces of sourdough bread ends into his mouth to carry up the mountain. I couldn't tell if he was going to bury it and come back or not; it seemed like he visited his favorite food cache spots before heading out bread still on board.
Here's another day when he was coming back for more after hiding a couple of dog biscuits:

Mr. Troutbend is working up on the roof today, cutting away tree branches that are too close to the roof.

I saw the hummingbird with the broken leg at the feeder this morning. She can't really perch on the feeder, so grabs on with one foot and the other hangs limp while she hovers and eats. She's getting better at it, and was able to sit for a few seconds. I'm surprised she has survived, but they also eat bugs, and she wouldn't need to perch for that. They live in the evergreen trees along the riverbank, and spend a good amount of time sitting on branches, but I guess she has worked that part out.