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Life As I See It

Life & Events > How Did We Get Here from There?

How Did We Get Here from There?

WARNING! This post MAY contain controversial subject matter. Read at your own risk!

I will first state that difference is a beautiful thing. Just imagine if we were all the same. How boring would that be? I recently heard a quote by Lady Gaga, and if you think about it, it is just so true. Lady Gaga said "You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same!" (I believe that is the exact quote, but I could be wrong!)

Imagine, if you will, what this world would be like if we all liked the same doctor and disliked the same doctors. We would all be waiting a very long time to get in for an appointment. What if we all liked the same kind of car, or the same restaurants, or the get the picture!

The point of this writing is my contemplation of how did we get here.....with these views and opinions and such....from there? It is because we are each individuals. What I see as red, you may see as orange, because that is how your eyes and brain perceive the color seen. To me, a gray day with a gentle rain may be a beautiful, peace event. To you, it may bring about an increase in your depression and signal all things wrong with the world. At the intricate level, I can see and certainly understand how we see things differently. But there are things I really do not understand. Call it a small mind? I don't know. The vast differences seem to be exponentially greater depending upon the controversial nature of the subject.

Take the Bible, for example. It is one of the most widely and diversely interpreted books ever written. I try, to the best of my ability, to keep the words that are written in the proper perspective. I try to not dissect a part of a sentence, in order to make it fit my point of view. I don't believe that is how it was intended. But it is how it is used by so many. Each religion of the world that teaches based on the Bible, uses bits and pieces to make their point, to "prove" that they are right, because "it says so in the Bible." They take the Bible puzzle and force the pieces to fit into the end point that they want to make.

On to many out there who take events, statements, gestures, facial expressions, etc, etc and turn them to their advantage. The political arena is rife with the twists and turns. Anything and everything is fair game. But that doesn't mean I understand how they get here from there.

How does being a woman who is able to afford a nanny and housekeepers make her any less of a wife and mother than the woman who can't afford these things? Does having a nanny mean that the she is less than a mother? She doesn't "care" about her children? She isn't impacted by the events in their lives? She doesn't suffer the joys and pains? She doesn't understand about "raising children"?? I don't get it. To be fair, then that also means the woman who works and has her children in a daycare center all day, she also isn't a real mother either. Is that right? It doesn't matter if she is working because she has to in order to survive, or maybe even working two jobs, or whether she works just because she WANTS to work Obviously, she must not care because her children are being taken care of by others. Lucky her....she'll be immune from all the heartaches that come right along with motherhood....and the joys.....just like the woman of means. But wait....that second scenario doesn't fit in the political slant like the first part does. So we'll just sweep that second part away and not look at it, or say "well that's different." Okay. Whatever! To me that just means you don't want a level playing field. Strike one!

How does the Lilly Ledbetter Act of 2009 become about Equal Pay for Women? Better yet, how does opposition to it become you are against equal pay for women? I've read the bill. That is NOT what it says. That act is regarding discrimination in the workplace....whether due to sex, disability, age, etc and about how the statute of limitation is interpreted; at what point is the injustice of pay discrimination determined to be validated. I understand the concept of the bill and am in favor of it on many levels. I also understand the disagreement with it. Because we have allowed our country to become the land of frivolous lawsuits, there comes a need to not let anything stand open ended. Thus the relation in this act to the Statute of Limitation. Yes, there needs to be clarification of this issue. But....I must also add, what other bullshit riders were attached to this bill? Very likely a reason for voting against it. I don't know. I don't even pretend to know who voted for this bill or who voted against it, let alone their reasons for doing so. What I question is how did it become strictly an equal pay for women issue? Taking parts and making it the whole.....Strike two!

There are so many more examples. Before you start jumping to conclusions, this post is NOT about democrats or republicans. BOTH sides do it. And it is just as disgusting to me, no matter who is the one doing it. I learned a long time ago, that in the world of advertising, they will use words and phrases to make their product sound like the product of choice. I learned some of the trick phrases they use. I am wise to their ways, and I'm not sucked in by those advertising games. Just as I am not going to be sucked in by the religious or political games. So go ahead, twist it anyway you want. Make it sound good from your point of view. Make yourself feel good about your point of view by trying to make the others look bad. I'm not going to play into your game. If I start to read something that is so slanted and twisted, I just quit reading, or quit listening.

You are certainly entitled to your point of view and to your opinion. I am not going to try to force you into my way of thinking. I'm just going to call Strike Three! Game over! And I'll walk away wondering: How did we get HERE from THERE?

posted on May 12, 2012 12:44 PM ()

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